
Taking a swig of wine to start my day, I sighed slightly when I heard a knocking on the door.

Opening it, I looked up at the tall Cow Woman Aurumi, tilting my head at her.



She looked past me, her pale blue eyes looking around the kitchen as she asked "May I come in?"

Nodding, I stepped back, closing the door behind her as she entered.

"So, did you want to train? Is that why you're here?"

Aurumi nodded, her golden hair bouncing slightly as she sat down, the poor chair creaking under her muscular frame.

"That, and Lady Sekhmet has an offer for you; we wanted to delve into the Middle Floors, and our Lady wants to know if you'd like to join us."

I pursed my lips, sitting across from her as I said "That depends... Ais Wallenstein and the Loki Familia had a similar offer... It would depend on when both of your Familia's want to journey deep into the Dungeon..."

Aurumi nodded again, her serene expression making me relax slightly.

"That's fine... well, I came mainly to ask for a match again, though I think it'd be best if we went to my Familia's training grounds... wouldn't want to disrupt your neighbors or cause damages..."

I chuckled at that, getting up with a stretch.

"Let me get dressed, then I'll be ready... Oh, you have wooden weapons right? I don't want to accidentally hurt you..."

Aurumi chuckled, flashing her pearly white teeth at me, her eyes flashing as she said "Yeah, we have wooden practice weapons... after all, I wouldn't want to hurt YOU either..."

We both chuckled, before I got up, Aurumi tilting her head as she stared at me.

"Is there a reason you're shirtless?"

Pursing my lips, I looked down at my bare chest before shaking my head, shrugging as I said "Just more comfortable this way. Why, does it bother you?"

That made her grin, as she raked her eyes over my body, only to lick her lips as I gave her a little show, placing an arm under them, bouncing them slightly.

"No, I actually quite like it..."

Chuckling, I walked away, entering my room as I dressed, putting on my armor.

Exiting, I threw my cloak over my shoulders, much to Aurumi's disappointment, as she had been staring still.

"Hmm... maybe if you win 6 of 10 rounds, I'll let you see them again... Of course, if I win 6 of 10 I want to see yours~"

The Cow Woman nodded at me, standing up as she looked down, her serene and calm expression replaced by the same ruthless expression from the tournament.

"Well, I guess every training session needs a reward or punishment, hmm?"

I gestured towards the door, following her outside.

She lead me through the city, both of us staying quiet as we walked.

I guess we were both quiet by nature huh?

Eventually we reached a gated off area, Aurumi opening them to reveal a giant yard in front of a nice sized house.

Scattered around the yard were over a dozen people, each engaged in a spar.

However, one person fought three others simultaneously, her silver hair flickering around as she weaved between her attackers, a wide grin on her face as she forced them onto the defensive.

"Is that Argentia Fel'Lis?"

Aurumi nodded, a small smile on her lips as she said "Yes, that is our Captain, the 'Silver Cat'. Quite deadly with her two daggers, as well as her impossibly silent movement."

Argentia thwacked her wooden daggers into her sparring partners sides, making them out out grunts as they sunk to the ground, clutching their ribs.

I winced at the sight, imagining taking that kind of blow.

Aurumi chuckled, waving at her Captain, who rushed over.


Diving into the Cow Woman's arms, Argentia nuzzled her face into Aurumi's large chest, before looking over at me with wide eyes.

"Oh, it's Nikoletta-nya. Did you come here to train-nya?"

I nodded, smiling at how she spoke.

Removing herself from Aurumi, Argentia walked over to me, her lithe figure swaying slightly as she appeared beside me.

My eyes widened as I realized that Aurumi wasn't exaggerating; I truly couldn't hear her movements, nor could I hear her clothes rustling in the slight breeze.

She was completely and utterly silent.

Smirking at me, she laid her hands on my waist, nodding to herself before tracing her fingers over the rest of my body, saying "You are quite strong-nya~"

Slipping behind me, she pressed herself into my back, draping her arms over my shoulders as she whispered. "Would you like to join me in bed-nya? Maybe Aurumi and I together-nya?"

I chuckled, looking into her silver eyes before shaking my head.

"I don't think I'd be able to take you both on at once..."

Aurumi and Argentia chuckled, with the Cat Woman removing herself from me as she walked away, speaking over her shoulder.

"Well, if you change your mind you know where to find me-nya~"

Aurumi and I watched her walk away, before the giant Cow Woman looked at me, gesturing towards the racks of wooden weapons in the center of the field.

"Get a spear; let's start... I want a rematch from the tournament..."

I grinned at her, taking a spear as I replied "What, eager to lose again?"

Hefting her wooden halberd over her shoulder, Aurumi just chuckled, dropping low into a stance as she stared at me.

Spinning the spear in my hands, I found the balance of the weapon, nodding to myself.

As she watched me take a practice swing, Aurumi's pale eyes went wide as my spear appeared in front of her face, the tip lightly brushing against her nose.

"One, me~"

She just growled, her eyes narrowed as she stared at me intently.


Chuckling, I jumped back, avoiding the heavy slam of her halberd on the ground, sending grass and dirt flying everywhere.

"Haha~ Aww, is the golden cow mad?"

I pouted at her, making her growl again.

Laughing to myself, I avoided another swing of her halberd, slipping under it as I slammed the bottom of my spear into her midriff, making her gasp as the air left her lungs.

Backing away, I said "Two, me~!"

However, this time I didn't avoid her retaliation, grunting in pain as her spear tip slammed into my side, digging just under my ribs.

Backing away with a curse, I glared at her, making Aurumi chuckle.

"Aww, is the mighty Ker mad?"

Hearing her singsong voice mocking me, I just sighed, looking at her as I said "I did this to myself huh?"

She just nodded, smirking as she said "2-1, you... but not for LONG!"

Lunging forwards, she brought her halberd down towards me again, which I narrowly avoided by rolling away.

However, she easily lifted it back up and sent the spearhead whistling towards my side again, making me jump backwards.

Stabbing forwards with the spear, I almost grazed her shoulder, the giant woman using the shaft of her halberd to redirect my spear.

Pushing outwards, she made me stumble to the side from the force, only to reach forwards with a free hand and drag me into her.

Headbutting me, the Cow Woman grinned as we staggered back, my head spinning from her blow.


I growled at her, readying my spear again.


We stood apart from each other, panting.

The score was now 5-4, her.

Annoyed, I decided to fight more reserved and reactionary, waiting for her to make the first move.

Her body was glistening with sweat, making her white robes cling to her body, revealing her ample curves and large, muscular arms. Sticking to her face was her golden hair, which she rapidly pushed out of her eyes, blinking out the sweat that fell into them.

Breathing through my nose and exhaling through my mouth, I tried to calm my racing heart, to alleviate my strained muscles.

Tightly gripping the shaft of her halberd, Aurumi charged forwards, the ground shaking slightly as she picked up speed.

Since we were only a few feet apart, she reached me in the blink of an eye, shoving her halberd towards my chest.

Meeting it with my spear, we engaged in a battle of strength.

She outclassed me, and we both knew it, which is why she was narrowing her eyes, looking at me warily.

However, as I kicked at her leg, I grinned as she let off a little on her halberd, allowing me to shove back, making her stumble.

Removing the spear, I brought it sweeping down low, thunking the wooden spearhead into her iron-like calf.

She grunted and dropped to one knee, only to look up at me with a mixed gaze as I laid the spear against her neck.

"So... we tied."

Removing the blade from her neck, I helped Aurumi to her feet, the Cow Woman pursing her lips as she looked down at me.

"Yeah... I guess we did..."

"So about that bet..."

Smirking up at her, I leaned closer, whispering "Wanna have another 'training' session?"

Returning my grin, she nodded, before asking "Well, should we continue here, go back to your place, or..?"

Pursing my lips, I looked around at the various men and women staring at us, before shaking my head.

"Let's get a room someplace else..."

"I'll go grab some Valis..."

I watched as she moved back to the house, leaving me alone in the center of the field.

Replacing the spear on the rack, I chuckled as she rushed back out of the house, a small pouch in her hand.

Taking my hand in hers, she led me away, towards the Entertainment District.


So yeah... Seems like the Ker and the Golden Taurus hit it off quite well.

Lemon next chapter, which should be in two days max, most likely tomorrow though...
