New Expedition

My body ached as I lay beside Aurumi, her wide arms wrapped around me as she held me close.

Last night was...


I spent most of it being 'disobedient' according to Aurumi, nipping at her whenever I had the chance.

After last night, I have to admit that I enjoyed it, more than I thought I would, but it still felt... wrong.

Sure, it was some of the best sex of my life, but the entire time I felt out of place, slightly uncomfortable as the large, strong Cow Woman dominated me.

Maybe just every once in awhile I'll consider letting someone top me, but otherwise...

I still prefer when I have my partner writhing under me, begging and pleading for me to have mercy on them.

There's just something about their tears and cries that tips me over the edge.

"Morning Nikoletta..."

Aurumi yawned as she looked down at me, a smirk on her lips as she dragged her gaze over my bruised skin.

"You have a heavy touch, Aurumi..."

Chuckling, she prodded one of the bruises, saying "Well, the more you disobeyed me, the more annoyed I got. Yet, I seem to remember you enjoying when I-"

Placing a finger on her lips, I glared at the blonde woman, making her chuckle again.

Sighing, I slipped from her arms, groaning as my muscles screamed at me.

Stumbling over to the wash basin, I started wiping myself off, Aurumi walking over to join me with a yawn.

Taking the towel, she started gently wiping down my back, cleaning me off quickly and delicately.

"Alright, done."

Getting up, I watched as she sat down, admiring her rippling back muscles.

She pulled her hair to the front, peeking over her shoulder with a smirk as she stared at me.

Rolling my eyes, I took the towel from her hands and rinsed it off, before standing behind her, wiping off her chiseled back.

It took awhile, and eventually the Cow Woman peered over her shoulder again as she said "You'd make a good wife Nikoletta. So attentive~"

Slipping one hand off the towel, I pinched and twisted the soft flesh of her waist, making her wince.

"Ow ow... Fine, I'll stop, I'll stop!"

Giving her another quick pinch, I returned to wiping her off, swiftly finishing.

We both dressed, Aurumi ogling me some more before sighing as I clothed myself.

"Well, if you ever want some more training, you know where to find me Niko~"

Grinning at me, the giant woman exited the room, leaving me alone.

Sighing, I rolled my muscles around before exiting as well.

Man, now I know what everyone's felt like after a night with me...


Reaching my house, I yawned as I opened the door, only to see the now familiar golden hair of Ais, sitting opposite of Bia.

They both turned to look at me, Ais tilting her head while Bia just smirked.

Sitting down with a groan, I looked at Ais with a weary gaze.

"What's up?"

"The roof?"

Hearing her still voice, I sighed as Bia chuckled.

"It's an expression, Ais. It means 'what do you want'."

Ais just tilted her head again, before nodding.

"Oh. Well, Loki wanted me to tell you that... the Expedition starts in two days. Hephaistos Familia will be joining us, as well as... a few healers from the Dian Cecht Familia."

Nodding at her, I leaned back into the chair, asking "So, what's the plan and pay?"

"We will push straight down to Floor 25... Explore the area around the Great Fall for resources... Then explore down to Floor 28 to rest..."

Bia and I watched as she placed a piece of paper on the table, sliding it over to us.

Picking it up, I quickly scanned the contents before handing it to Bia.

It was a contract.

The base pay for the entire expedition was 500,000 Valis, and it stated that any materials found would award me a bonus, however if I tried to pocket any and sell them myself I would be liable to pay double the amount I sold it for WHEN the Loki, Hephaistos, or Dian Cecht Familia's found out.

Of course, everyone knew that these Familia's were deeply connected to the Guild, and it was suspected that they worked closely Hermes Familia to secure more 'shady' deals with the black market that thrived in the Daedalus District.

So, any attempts to sell materials would be quite difficult, and definitely not worth the risk.

The bonus' depended on the type of material acquired, but it would likely be just under the Guild Rate, which is still a decent amount.

Bia nodded as she read the contract, before turning to look at the Sword Princess.

"Who will be leading this Expedition? What about those from the other Familia's?"

"Gareth... me... an elf girl named Lefiya... and a human girl named Narvi..."

She counted out the people on her fingers, before 'reseting' her hand.

"The Vice Captain... Tubal-Cain of Hephaistos... and Vice Captain Akeso of... Dian Cecht."

I nodded, having heard of them.

Tubal-Cain was among the most accomplished smiths in the city, his blades considered masterpieces. While his production rate was low, usually one or two blades a month, they were some of the strongest, most durable blades to have ever been forged.

In fact, some of his older works were considered Heirlooms of certain Familia's, and from what I had heard, the Freya Familia had three of those blades.

Hrunting, a sword that Tubal-Cain gifted directly to the Goddess, which she has worn to formal events. As for it's capabilities, it was a blade that has tasted the blood of a God, as Freya used it expertly to injure Veles, who mocked the Goddess of Love, Fertility, and the more forgotten aspect...


Next was the sickle blade Harpe, a blade that was used by a young man almost two decades ago named Maeda. He joined the Freya Familia eventually, and Harpe was among one of Tubal-Cain's first blades. It rose to fame alongside Maeda, but now it was just a symbol since the man died.

Finally, Laevateinn, the blade that was used sparingly by the Nine Hell Riveria Ljos Alf, named aptly after one of her most known offensive spells. Although she was the most skilled mage in all of Orario, the Vice-Captain of the Loki Familia was also talented with the bow and sword.

It was everyone's dream to wield a blade crafted by such a legendary smith, and knowing I was going to meet him on this Expedition was really cool.

As for Akeso, he was an incredible doctor and healer. As far as I was aware, no one had ever died under his care beside those with insanely fatal wounds, like being pumped full of poison from a Dark Fungus in the middle floors.

Bia and I looked at one another with unbelieving eyes.

After all, these were heavyweight adventurers, people we would have never had the chance to meet a month ago.

Though, as we turned back to the quiet golden girl opposite us, we both chuckled wryly as we realized we would need to get used to it.

"Alright, I'll see you in two days, Ais. I need to get a bath and rest..."

She just nodded, before pointing to the contract.


Bia got up and grabbed a pen, handing it to me.

Rapidly signing it, I handed it over to her, watching as she nodded again.

"See... you..."

After that, she turned and exited the house.

"Who would have thought... hah, Agapi, just be careful."

I nodded at Bia, who sighed again as she sat down.

Watching as she rubbed her temples, I placed a kiss on the back of her head before making my way towards the bath to ease my aching body.


I actually can't believe its been 5 days since I updated this... it felt like 2 days max...
