Vicious plant

As Wu ling is still looking at his surroundings Alexis is the woman's name looks at him and said with a snickering smile on his face. Is this your first time here? Wu ling replied yes.

After a while they stand in front of the gate of the large building. As they were standing there a camera above the door zoom on them and the door opens. They all went inside , inside many people are working and there is a huge a screen in them and few other guys were checking on different locations in the forest, mountains and deep trenches. As they were standing there. A guy guy with spectacle came there and thanks them to come here on such a short notice.

It's no problem Li Mo replied. It's already been dawn I hope you can rest here for a night and set for rescue them tomorrow morning. Wu ling can't help but get surprised by hearing this. He couldn't understand what is going on there so Alexis told him that. A couple days ago a team of explorers got missing in the forest, the reason was unknown. That's why we are here to rescue them. While you are new here then let me tell you something, tomorrow we might encounter some beasts or some terrifying creature, don't let your guard down at any cost?

Wu ling got scared a bit. Meanwhile a guy came inside and told them that their rooms are ready and they can go ahead and take a rest and the food will be there in a short time. They all went to their respective rooms. Wu ling got inside he throw his bag on a chair and lay down on bed.

Few days ago, Li Mo receives a call for help from a team of explorers who have gone missing in the deep dangerous area of the forest. Early morning, they all sets on the hover bike provided by the shelter to rescue them, behind them a team in shelter looking on the multiple monitors and guide them as they travel through the wilderness. They encounters many obstacles and variety of creatures. To Wu ling all these creatures looks like they are coming out of some fantasy.

As they going much deeper in their hover bike they encounters a giant plant that tries to ensnare them.

The group were treking through the dense forest in search for missing explorers seems to be stumbled upon a giant plant that seemed to be writhing with a life of its own. It had long twisted tendrils, that reached out towards them as if it is trying to ensnare them.

The group tries to back away but the tendrils moved too quickly and began to wrap around their limbs, pulling them together to the plants gaping maw. The group leader Li Mo quickly assessed to the situation and called for everyone to fight back. They started hacking at the tendrils with their knives and machetes, they trying to sever them before it can pull them in.

The plant responded by unleashing the obnoxious cloud of spores, which caused several members of group to cough and choke and Wu ling is one of them. Underrated, the leader rallied everyone is keep fighting. Wu ling for a second give a glimpse to the leader and the others member of the group he can tell by seeing this they were all have a quite experienced unlike him who has no coordination. Soon, Wu ling also tries his best to cooperate with them and they all began to coordinate with their attacks. One person would distract the plant while others struck at its vulnerable parts. The plant lashed out with its tendrils, but they were able to dodge and weave around them.

As the fight continued, the plant became more and more aggressive, slamming its tendrils down with the greater force. One person was momentarily caught and pulled towards the plants gaping maw, but the team leader was able to yank them free just in time. Wu ling was impressed with leader's strength he looks inhumane if he were to fight with the one of the special forces members, they would also find hard to defeat him. It was Wu ling's first time fighting with such a bizarre creature but he sis giving his all he could. Before coming here Li Mo already told him that the jungle could be dangerous and he would also have to fight with the unknown creatures so he gave him some pointers on how to fight.

Finally, after what it felt like an eternity, they managed to sever the last of the tendrils and plant began to wither and die. Along with Wu ling and group let out a collective sigh of relief as they survived the damage, but they knew that they have a journey ahead of them. As they all continued on their trek, Wu ling reflected on the battle and the bravery of their companions. They knew they had faced a dangerous foe and emerged victorious, and that they would be ready for whatever else the forest had in store for them.

Not soon after they hoped on their hover bikes and start searching of the lost explorers they soon get attacked by a swarm of flying creatures from above. However, with the hover bikes speed they soon get rid all of them. But soon after they reached the point where they have to get over from the hover bike and start their journey on foot.

Their leader Li Mo had found out that the explorers had been attacked by a group of vicious creature called corals. As they got more and more deeper. Li Mo warns them to be more careful. Every one takes out their weapons. Wu ling took out a long knife which he used previously. As they moving carefully they started to see bloods. They all can tell that explorers had been attacked and they are gravely injured.