A Novelty

Following that, both of them walked into a ice-cream store.

Seeing all the flavors in the display got Evelyn's mouth to water. Her eyes jumped from one to another, and greediness enveloped her. She wanted all of them instead of one.

"What flavor do you want?"

Evelyn wasn't shy.

She pointed to a few and said, "This, this, this, and this. And I also want this. The green one too."

Seeing how the man turned silent and stared at her made Evelyn nervous.

Was this not alright?

Did she ask for too much?

But she wanted to taste all of them and more.

No, staring at him with utmost seriousness, she patted on her chest and spoke, "I don't pay without eating. My mom will pay you. I promise."

"Let's stick to one flavor. We wouldn't want you to have a stomach ache."

"Eh? Just one?"

Her expression deflated.

Then, while hoping to appear convincing, she came out with an excuse.

"But I have a stronger stomach than other children. I am being honest. I can eat a lot, and my stomach doesn't hurt."

The man burst out into a laughter at it. What made it funnier was the solemnness she displayed as though it couldn't be anymore true.

"I am not buying that. Now, go and select a seat. I will be coming over in a few."

He placed her down on her feet.

Evelyn huffed at him.

Crinkling up her nose at him, she strode away, showing how upset his words made her. She found the place she wanted to sit at and pulled back the chair before climbing up on the chair.

Then, tapping her hands on the table, she waited for the man arrive.

She had always been restless as a child, brimming with energy. Even though her fourteen year old self was somber, she found her mood being affected greatly by the age of her body. Because of this, she acted childishly.

When the cup of ice-cream was placed in front of her, all of the grievances she had were forgotten. A grin formed on her face. Although the flavor was chosen by the man, she had no complaints at the face of the cold dessert before her.

It felt like such a novelty to her.

She grabbed her spoon and was about to scoop up some when she recalled about the man before her who watched her expectantly.

"Thank you."

After that came the moment she was anticipating for.

She took a taste of the appetizing cold dessert.

Her eyes widened as it touched her taste buds. She let go of her spoon and covered her mouth with the palm of her hands. She then looked at the man.

"Does it taste bad?"

She immediately shook her head.

As she lowered her hands following that, a sparkle appeared in her doe eyes. A grin broke out onto her face as she exclaimed, "This is delicious! Too good! Wow! Do all ice-creams taste so delicious?"

Her dramatic enthusiasm got the man to laugh.

"Look at you, being so cute. What is your name?"

"I am Evelyn. What about you, Mister?"


After that, silence continued between both of them. Evelyn was in the mood to single-mindedly relish the ice-cream, and Steven enjoyed her comical expressions. One would think she just discovered ice-cream.

The bubble was broken when Steven's phone rang, and he received the call. From the other side came an impatient voice.

"Where are you?"

"Done with the lecture? Just found a doll to spend time with," he answered.

"I have no time for your nonsense. Come over here quickly. Under five minutes."

"Got it, boss!"

After that, the call was hung up.

"Are you done eating, Lyn?" asked Steven.

Evelyn was wiping her face with the tissue when she heard his question. She immediately nodded her head before slowly questioning, "Lyn?"

She tilted her head slightly.

Smiling, he said, "An cute nickname for a cute child like you. Come on, I will drop you off."

Evelyn started to contemplate her cards then. After couple of seconds of thinking, she thought it would be best if Steven dropped her off. She wasn't willing to walk a large distance again.

She nodded.