Dressed in a pink robe, Vanessa was seated in front of the grand window. The curtains were tied at both ends, letting the warm sunlight fall on her face. It drove away the last remnants of sleepiness.
She went through her tablet, her thin and manicured fingers swiping down in an unhurried manner. Her expression was calm.
"Mr. Daniel, he found Ms. Amelia. It was at the hospital yesterday after Ms. Amelia got hurt. He learned of her daughter as well. Today, he visited her in the morning," her assistant informed. The nervousness radiated off of him, afraid of what her boss might do.
Absorbing that piece of information, Vanessa's movement stopped. Those eyes of hers were raised, falling on her assistant.
"Repeat that again," she ordered, sounding as though she was restraining turbulent emotions.
Biting the bullet, a troubled expression appeared on the assistant's face as he reiterated, "Mr. Daniel, he—"