Kindergarten Tour

Edgar didn't hide his disappointment, pouting his lips and sulking, when the teacher patted his head and said, "Thank you, Edgar, for guiding her to here. I take care of the rest, okay?"

Little Edgar was brimming with energy and excitement to show Evelyn around the kindergarten, bringing her to his favorite spots.

However, the responsibility of giving Evelyn a tour around the school now fell on to the teacher's shoulder. Thinking about it made his expression fall, and his mood became sullen in disappointment.

He tried to convince the teacher.

"But, Ms. Lily, you must be busy. It's fine for me to take Eve around the school," he stated, showing eagerness.

Lily knew Edgar well. Although the two of them seemed to be previously acquainted from before, in her eyes, Evelyn was a delicate little girl.