Little Eve gleefully ate her ice-cream while swinging her small legs back and forth. At the same time, she had Lucas sitting in front, facing her as he drew her portrait on the canvas.
She watched as he chose different colors and was curious about how the final result will turn out to be.
At the same time, she chattered nonstop, telling him about all that she went throughout at school today, starting from how she made new friends to how she got betrayed by Edgar at the end.
Nonetheless, the exhaustion caught up to her. Although she wanted to stay awake, she couldn't keep her eyes open any longer.
Her eyelids shut down while she started to feel drowsy, and her head lowered, leaning against the back cushion of the couch.
Upon noticing that the little girl had fallen asleep, Lucas placed his paint brush down and walked over to her. A small smile played on his face.