
Those doe blue eyes brightened up. An idea arrived in little Eve's eyes. She raised her hand and looked back at her mom who typed away in her laptop.

She excitedly exclaimed, "Mom, I want to throw a tea party!"

Amelia lifted her head from the computer screen and raised one of her eyebrows, repeating, "A tea party?"

"Yeah, just like how Princess Mia does. We will have pretty table and chairs. Everyone will dress up prettily. There will be a lot of cakes— vanilla, strawberry, chocolate, and more. 

There will be cookies and candies. Ah! Most importantly, there will be delicious tea! We will play together after it!"

Seeing the enthusiasm in Evelyn's eyes while anticipating for a positive answer, there was no way Amelia would have the heart to turn her lovely daughter down.

She smiled and said, "If that's what Princess Eve wants, we are getting her the tea party. How many friends are you planning on inviting?"