After everyone was done eating, they watched the stars with sparkling eyes while listening to Amelia tell the children stories.
The cool breeze caused the children to shudder, making them huddle close together, while rubbing their hands in front of the fire.
Soon enough, the exhaustion caught up to the children, and yawning, they couldn't keep their eyes open for much longer.
Therefore, Amelia put them inside the tent with the help of Daniel and covered the children with the blanket after making a promise to them to wake them up to watch the sunrise.
Once done with that, she sat in front of the fire beside Daniel and brought her hands closer to the fire. Other than the small noises created by the insects, silence loomed over them.
It took her by surprise when Daniel wrapped his hand around her shoulder and pulled her closer to him. Their shoulders touched, and she could vividly feel this warmth.