After having that conversation with Amelia, Lucas went to find little Eve. From Amelia, he learned that she was in her room.
At that, he pushed the door to her room open. His eyes then fell on the children who were sitting on the floor and playing with the puzzles.
The sound of the door opening wasn't much, and the children didn't yet notice his presence.
Both of them wore a troubled expression on their faces while trying to search for the matching pieces. From the box, he learned that the puzzle was supposed to be of multiple cartoon characters.
Little Eve had her nose cutely scrunched up and said, "Is this puzzle wrong? Why is there no piece for this part?"
Edgar let out a deep breath and stated, "I am telling you that we should put this piece here. They just made the puzzle wrong. If we tear off this part, it will fit well."
Evelyn stared at him in disapproval.