Woman In Black

"No, you are not getting this. Evelyn, if you argue more about it, mom will be angry. You're a good girl who listens to mom, right?"

Although little Eve felt sullen, she didn't wish to upset her mom further. That's why, she could only purse her lips into a thin line and nod.

Amelia smiled and patted on her head.

"Good girl. After we are done shopping here, I will buy you something delicious. What do you want to eat?"

That instantly made Evelyn forget about her current grievance, and she started to think about what delicious food she could ask her mom to buy for her.

There was a lot she wanted.

"I want to eat cheese burger!" she cheerfully exclaimed. It had been long since she had one of that.

"Alright then. Now, try on these dresses. We are getting the ones that look pretty on you."

Compared to going through the clothes, she was quite keen on the idea of trying on these pretty clothes. It made her happy to buy new clothes.