After School

After the classes for the day was over, it was the time for the students to return home. Evelyn was about to walk towards the car when she saw that Edgar was going towards a different direction.

This made her frown, and she extended her hand to grab on to the strap of his bag in order to stop him. This got the boy to turn back to look at her with a smile.

"The car isn't over there," she solemnly voiced out.

"Be a good girl, and go home. I will go and play with my friends. When I return, I will be bringing something delicious for you, alright?" He used a tone as though he was coaxing a little child.

This only made her furrow her eyebrows further out of displeasure.

"Didn't dad say you to stop hanging around with those friends of yours? They aren't good. Edgar, you will only ruin your life by hanging out with them."

Evelyn sounded distressed.