Ugly Side

Evelyn was soon caught by Edgar. He placed his hand around her waist, seizing her movements, and reached out to grab the camera from her hand.

She was helpless against his strength and weight.

At the end, she could only pout at him and say, "Come on. Just let me keep these photos, alright? I wouldn't be showing them to anyone. They are too precious to be deleted. Don't you think so?"

Edgar's eyes paused on her face for a second before he reached out to pinch her nose and said, "Fine. Since you begged me to. But if anyone gets to see this photo, I will take my revenge on you."

"Of course. Why will I be sharing them with others? I look worse than you."

Edgar begged to differ. He thought that Evelyn looked adorable, but on a second thought, he didn't let those words out, having a feeling that it would be crossing the line between them.

He didn't know what exactly the line represented.

"Why are you lost in thoughts?" Evelyn questioned.