
"I don't want to talk to you unless you get that attitude right," Evelyn stated before turning her back on him and walking away.

Evelyn really hardly had a bottom line for Edgar. If it was someone else, she would have beaten them up worse. But because the other party was Edgar, she went easy on him.

She huffed.

Edgar looked at her back and uttered, "Shit!"

He punched his hand against wall, too occupied in his mind in order to feel the pain that came along with it.


Evelyn started to ignore Edgar from next day onwards. Unless or until he realized his wrong and apologized to her, she was determined to not talk to him.

It was about time that he realized he couldn't speak to her in that manner on matter how angry or frustrated he felt.

The two of them went separately to school. Edgar was almost late like the previous day because there was no Evelyn to wake him up early in the morning.

This only got him more irritated for day.