
"Should we try that?"

Signs of amusement were present in his eyes, and this made her frown. She was truly being concerned for him, and there, he was, making a joke out of the situation.

He extended his hand to reach out for her hair and pat them.

After that, he said, "Nothing will happen to me even if I happen to fall from here although there is zero chances of that happening. I am not that big of a loser. There is a platform beneath."

Evelyn pressed her palms against the railing and looked down. Although there was indeed a platform beneath, the height made her feel dizzy.

She took a step back. Even though she didn't think it would be completely safe to fall on the platform either, she held back her words, knowing that they will only be meeting ridicule from Edgar.

"Come on. Sit down beside me. How can you be such a coward? Nothing will happen, and I will protect you in case you slip," he voiced out.