Breaking up

Samia came with the coffee and handed it to Alina.

Alina pretended to take it and When Samia let go of her grip on the cup, Alina took her hand back, and all the coffee got spilled on her hand.

"Ahhhh.." The coffee was hot and her hand burned from it.

Unknown to them this scene was seen by someone.

Felix grabbed Samia's other hand and took her to the washroom while ordering Ryan to bring the ointment. They completely ignored Alina.

He opened the faucet and put her hand under the cold water.

Everything happened so quickly that Samia didn't understand what was going on.

Ryan quickly brought the ointment, Samia flinched when Felix put the ointment.

Seeing that it was hurting her he blew on that area and applied l cream very gently.

Alina was already exploding with anger.

"She clearly dropped the cup by herself, it's her fault, why are you guys overreacting?"

'This bitch must be acting to gain their

attention.' Alina thought.

After making sure that Samia was fine. Felix shouted at Alina "Shut up."

Alina quickly shut her mouth. She hadn't seen him this angry. In Fact, she had never seen him angry. He was always polite to her.

"Come to my cabin," Felix ordered Alina and turned to look at Samia, it looked like he wanted to say something but he ended up saying nothing. Alina followed behind him feeling anxious about what was going to happen. Though to the world it looked like they were in a harmonious relationship, it wasn't the case. Felix told her beforehand that he will act as her boyfriend and her as his girlfriend, nothing more than that. She used his name on various occasions and he didn't say anything. She also caused him trouble here and there but he always turned a blind eye to that.

She didn't understand why he was making a fuss about a mere secretary.

Inside the cabin.

"I am breaking up with you," Felix said in a cold voice.

Alina wanted to say something, she wanted to refute him but when she met his cold eyes, she couldn't utter a word.

Soon her eyes were filled with tears.

"W…wh….why…?" Alina said cryingly "I didn't even do anything. and you are doing this for that girl.

Alina was also a beauty who was looking very pitiful right now. Any man would want to protect her in this situation but the man in front of her was Felix.

Felix was thinking that that girl got her hand burned yet she didn't even complain about it. And here this girl is crying as if she has been wronged.

He clearly saw her harming Samia, she already has suffered so much since her childhood, it must have been hard for her to bring herself up alone. And when she is trying to live her life normally his so-called girlfriend is causing trouble.

"Stop with your act and get out from here, I don't want to see you again, if you are going to cause any trouble I will tell your father," Felix said.

Alina knew that it would be useless to say anything anymore as it would only make the matter worse. She left the room while crying.

Meanwhile, In the waiting room after Felix left.

Samia still couldn't wrap her head around the matter which happened.

She didn't think that Alina would do that, she didn't have any bad blood with that girl so it was really hard for her to think of the reason she might have done that.

Then before she could react her hand was already being treated, and she clearly understood that Felix was angry because of her but the way she applied the cream was very gentle.

'Seriously, I can't understand what these people think at all.' Samia thought.

"You should not think much about it, it wasn't your fault," Ryan said bringing her out of her thoughts.

"It's fine," Samia said.

Samia went towards her cabin and sat on her seat, trying to focus on her work.

She was informed that Felix has called her to his cabin.

Hearing that Samia became nervous for no reason.

When she was walking towards his cabin she saw Alina running out crying.

She knocked on the door and entered.

"How's your hand?" Felix asked.

"It is fine," Samia replied.

"I am sorry." Felix apologized.

Samia was shocked to hear him saying sorry. She didn't blame him for that. She thought he was angry with her but she couldn't understand why.

"You don't have to apologize, it wasn't your fault anyway. I am fine." The more Samia said that she was fine, the more he felt his heart ache for her. Even he was unable to understand why he was feeling like that.

"Even though I didn't do that, it's still my fault. She was my girlfriend after all."

After saying that the atmosphere became somewhat awkward. As none of them knew what they should say.

"If there's nothing else, I'll take my leave."

Samia said breaking the awkward atmosphere and proceeded to take her to leave.

She was having some problems with operating her work as her right hand got burned but it was still manageable.

In the evening while leaving for home.

Samia was standing outside the office building. She was going to call for a cab as usual but before she could do that she saw a black Maybach heading in her direction. It stopped just in front of her.

The car window rolled down revealing Felix's face.

"Let me drop you," Felix said.

Samia was flabbergasted. What in the world is happening?

"I can take a cab from here, it's not in your way, you don't have to bother yourself." Samia declined his offer.

"This will be more convenient and it's just one day, and I will feel less guilty." Felix insisted on driving her home.

Samia could only get in the car and told him her address.

The car drove off. None of them said anything.

Samia's mind was occupied with only one thing right now.