Eating Noodles

Samia turned around sensing someone approaching only to find Felix staring intently at her. They both were caught off guard by each other.

"Do you need something?" Felix asked breaking the silence.

"No, I just couldn't sleep. So I was roaming around. You won't mind that?" Samia asked. After all, it was his home and she was roaming around casually.

"Why would I?" Felix chuckled. He wouldn't have brought her here if he minded. After all, she was the first girl who came to his apartment.

"Grrr..." The atmosphere was broken by the rumbling of her stomach.

Samia's face flushed.

Felix laughed seeing that.

"Let me cook something for you." Felix headed to the kitchen and Samia followed him behind.

Felix looked more casual and approachable in his pajamas.

He rolled his sleeves and started cutting vegetables after washing them. He thought of making some simple noodles.

Samia looked at him with awe.

Felix was looking like an artist making his art. How can someone look so good just by doing some simple task?

Samia felt envious for a moment.

He was looking like a treat while making one.

Samia leaned against the door of the kitchen.

She noticed that there is not a single person in this house besides them.

It seems like he lived alone.

She became very curious about this. She hasn't seen anyone this Rich not having someone for chores and cleaning.

She asked, "You don't seem to have maids in your house?"

"Why, Are you shocked that I don't have one?" He paused and said " I don't like the idea of having so many people in my life even if they are helpers.

I have hired a house cleaner to clean it anyways."

Felix looked at her and asked with a chuckle " Is it shocking to see that I do some of my chores alone."

" I think it's quite good. A person should know how to do everything. People say that you are so hot-tempered that you change your maid every day. It would be quite shocking to them if they saw the truth." Samia said.

"People sure say a lot of things, but not everything they say is true," Felix said with a deeper meaning.

He knew that people said many bad things about him and there were all kinds of rumors about him everywhere. He usually ignored them but for some reason, he doesn't want this person to believe in them. He wanted her to know that that's not the real him.

He was confused why he was thinking like that. He never bothered to explain anything to anyone before.

Realizing that Samia said something wrong and the man was troubled by it. She quickly changed the topic.

"You look quite skilled in cooking. Where did you learn that from?" Samia asked.

" I learned that myself. My Mom used to cook for me when I was young. She used to say that I should know how to do everything. It's not a girl's job to do everything, A man should be skilled too."

Felix's voice softened at the mention of his mother. There was nostalgia in his voice. He missed his mother.

"I am sure she must be a great person to teach you like this," Samia said with a smile.

Felix thought of Samia's situation. Here he was being sad about his mother's death. Telling her about her maternal love.

He instead got her love but the girl in front of him didn't even have anyone to rely on.

Though his life wasn't pleasant. It was still much better with his mother's company. And he never asked for money. Unlike Samia who lacked everything. And here he was telling her about all these things. It must have made her sad.

They both were conflicted. They would start a conversation with a simple question and it would become serious till the end.

"Why don't you wait in the living room? You are already standing here for quite a while. You must be tired. " Felix said, ending their previous conversation.

"I am fine. You are already cooking for me. I am not even helping you. I'd be embarrassed if I left you like that and wait to get served." Samia insisted on staying at the kitchen door.

Felix didn't say anything. He brought a chair for her.

"Sit on this. You will be tired from all that standing."

Samia smiled at his consideration.

Both of them stopped talking and the kitchen became silent with the occasional sound of a knife hitting the chopping board.

They were silent but it wasn't suffocating. It was rather peaceful. They enjoyed each other's company without saying a word.

After some time Felix finished making some simple noodles. Samia insisted on setting the table. So in the end both of them set the table and sat for their meal.

These simple gestures were enough to fill them up.

But Samia was really hungry. Seeing her like this Felix couldn't help but say " Dig in."

' I was going to, even if you didn't say.' Samia thought.

Samia took a bite of noodles.

It was the tastiest noodles she ever had.

"It's amazing. Honestly, these are the best noodles I ever had." Samia praised Felix sincerely.

He was a great cook, even better than her.

Felix felt very happy after being praised. It was the first time someone liked his cooking. It was also the first time he cooked for someone. After a long time, he felt happy and content with just praise.

Thus, this time his smile was different. It was more genuine and gentle.

The beautiful scene of two people eating in silence while enjoying their meal was interrupted by the ringing of the doorbell.

'Who would come at this time? I hope there won't be any trouble if that person sees me.' Samia thought. She was in Felix's place after all, and she has seen how rumors were made about the simplest thing he did.

Felix had a hunch of who was at the door and his expression turned gloomy immediately.

This person had to come at this time out of all the time.