Walking in the Backyard

Felix came to pick Samia up in the morning as decided by both of them. Samia put all the stuff she bought yesterday in the trunk of the car and the rest in the backseat. They got in the car.

"Happy Birthday," Felix said after a moment.

"Thank you," Samia said with a smile. She was happy that Felix remembered that.

Felix's face flushed seeing her like this.

His heart skipped a beat. He was mesmerized by her. She rarely smiles like this. But she was looking like an angel who came to take a stroll in the mortal world.

They went to buy breakfast.

Samia informed the orphanage director in advance about her visit. And told him that she will bring breakfast.

Generally, the children cook together, so they will get a good rest.

It took them more than an hour to reach the orphanage as it was on the outskirts of the city.

They both went inside.

A house was built in between the garden. No matter how one looks at it, it looked beautiful.

"Sis" a surprised voice sounded from inside. Before anyone could have understood anything a girl wearing a knee-length frock with a high ponytail who looked like she was in her teens ran into Samia's arms.

Samia hugged her back.

"You came after a long time. Everyone missed you so much."

"I was just busy with my university," Samia said. She broke the hug and looked at her. "You have grown so much, and you have also become very beautiful. What's the secret of your beauty, Angel?"

"What secret. I am still not as beautiful as you, ok." Angel pouted.

She finally noticed that Samia brought someone with her. He was very handsome.

And they both looked good together.

"Is he your boyfriend?" Angel blurted out.

Samia froze. How was she supposed to answer that now?

"He's my friend," Samia replied awkwardly.

Felix's eyes dimmed when she said that but soon he became normal.

"Hi, I am Felix." He introduced himself.

"Angel," Angel replied.

"Let's go inside. Everyone must be waiting." Samia said while changing the topic.

They started moving to the house.

"Half of them are sleeping, they played games till late at night," Angel complained about others.

They entered the living room. It was a three-story house with rooms having bunk beds to accommodate as many people as possible.

As soon as the people in the living room saw Samia. They ran to hug her. Samia was now sandwiched between 10-12 kids. It was a sight to behold. Felix took out his phone and clicked a picture.

"Ok, you guys have hugged enough. Now leave me, you are going to suffocate me."

Everyone left her in case she got angered.

Samia's eyes teared up when she looked at them again. They look so young and lively, how can she forget about them?

She quickly dispelled these thoughts.

"I brought a friend of mine with me." Samia turned to Felix " This is Felix."

Before she could say another word everyone surrounded Felix.

"You are so handsome." A girl said.

"Brother you are so tall. Can you tell me, I also want to be tall." A cute chubby boy asked.

"What you do. Do you still study?"

Felix was bombarded with all sorts of questions.

He was flustered. He doesn't know how to answer them when their questions don't seem to stop anytime soon.

Felix quietly looked at Samia with an aggrieved expression asking for her help.

Samia couldn't help but laugh at him. She first thought that if she brought him here. He might not get along with children and would feel left out. But seeing the scene in front of her it seems that the kids won't leave him.

"Ok, now stop pestering him. Let's have breakfast first. You can chat with him later. He's not going to go anywhere. Call everyone down." After hearing Samia everyone backed down. Some of them went into other rooms to wake everyone and others helped in setting up the table.

Everyone had breakfast together.

After breakfast, the kids started playing together. There were almost 30 to 40 children.

Felix and Samia were taking a walk in the backyard after dinner.

"Everyone seems to be young," Felix said.

"Yeah, the oldest one among them is 17 years old. There were a few kids who were older than me and some of my age, they got adopted. In the end, two of us were left as the oldest ones." Samia explained.

"You never felt disappointed that no one came for you?" Felix asked. Every child wanted to be loved. She must have felt envious of kids who were adopted. Felix knew that it might make her sad but he couldn't help but ask.

"Not everyone can have all the luxuries of the world. Initially, I did feel a little sad but when I saw people abandoning their kids because of certain illnesses or because they can't afford them I felt quite blessed. Not every parent is loving. So to long for something which might hurt you in the end, why not focus on yourself? You can't force things to always be your way. You will have to give in to reality." After all, she did end up lying to herself in her previous life that she would get the love she wanted.

Felix was asking her but ended up getting an answer to his question. He always thought that his father would change one day but that day never came. He should not expect anything from him anymore.

"Let's go. Let's give them the gifts we brought for them." Samia said.

After keeping all the things in the living room. Samia shouted to everyone. " Come on, look Felix's and I have brought you some stuff."

Felix smiled when he heard that. He told Samia to call him by his name whenever they were outside. She refused at first but she herself became comfortable calling him that. Not that he disliked it. And she also included his name, when all shopping was done by her, in case he would feel embarrassed.

She was so considerate.

Felix was smiling foolishly at that thought.