Samia was poisoned

Felix took Samia to Medwin hospital.

Coincidentally, Vivan was also working there.

Vivan panicked when he saw Samia but was much more relaxed when he heard that it was her peanut allergy.

Still, he personally attended to her. Felix waited outside the room.

Felix was getting restless with each passing second. Vivan told him that it would just take 15 minutes and they would give her an iv drip but it has been an hour already and there was still no sign of him coming out of the room.

After another hour of waiting, Vivan came out looking tired.

"She is fine. I want to talk to you. Let's go into my cabin." Vivan said. Seeing that he was still concerned about Samia he added "she's unconscious right now, she won't be waking up soon and I need to tell you something important."

Felix looked at the door last time and reluctantly followed Vivan into his cabin.

Vivan drank some water and sat on his seat.

"We would have to thank the peanuts this time." Vivan sighed. He was contemplating whether he should tell Felix or not but he thought it was better to tell him.

"She was poisoned." Vivan dropped a bomb.

Felix was unable to process what Vivan said. "What do you mean by that?" Even he didn't notice that his voice was trembling.

Vivan took a deep breath and continued "I found out about it when I was checking up on her. And I think it's not a coincidence.

"How can you be so sure?" Felix tried to calm himself. There was something more to what Vivan said.

"She was poisoned by Anthracarbogen, it's a very rare poison. Even I got to know about it through my master. There was no way it could have accidentally entered her body. It doesn't show effect instantly or even in a few months. Though the amount given to her was small, it could have deteriorated her organs in 5-7 years or so."

Vivan paused to observe. His brows were knitted together and he was waiting for Vivan to finish.

"We have flushed the poison out of her body for now. She must have taken that recently otherwise it would have been harder to treat her." Vivan explained.

"I feel it was mixed in some liquid as it makes the poison more effective," Vivan told Felix his guess.

"We'll have to ask her that, once she wakes up."

Felix understood what Vivan was trying to say. Someone was deliberately trying to harm Samia.

As for who that person was, he was definitely not ordinary.

Felix was confused. Why would anyone want to harm her? Only if she was a kind of threat to them.

"I understand," Felix said. He would investigate this.

Felix went back to Samia's room and sat on the stool beside her bed. He was looking at her gently.

Vivan had to check up on other patients too, so he couldn't stay with them all the time.

Felix wiped Samia's face with a wet towel. She was looking pale.

Felix's heart ached for her.

He sat beside her and guarded her the whole night.

In the morning, Samia opened her eyes.

Samia saw a pair of tired eyes looking back at her. She was confused about what was happening.

"You're awake." Felix's voice contained some excitement.

Even though Vivan assured him, he was still worried about her.

At this moment he didn't want to do anything else but hug her. And he did.

Samia was shocked by this sudden hug, but she didn't push him away. Samia quitely hugged him back.

Sensing her movement Felix hugged her tighter.

Felix let her go after a few minutes.

"You scared me to death, yesterday," Felix said.

"Why am I in the hospital? " Samia inquired. Her allergy shouldn't be that bad.

Felix told her everything that happened after she fainted.

Vivan said that they should not tell her about it but Felix did not agree with him.

Samia has the right to know. He doesn't want to keep her in the dark.

Samia's face became paler as he told her.

"Sam, I am here for you, I won't let anything happen to you." Felix comforted her gently. She was looking frightened.

Samia nodded her head subconsciously.

It was the same poison. Unlike now it wasn't that rare in a few years but it wasn't common either. She was diagnosed with the same poison in her last life.

It slowly deteriorates one's organs. It is a good option if one wants to kill someone slowly.

It was already very late in her previous life when she came to know about the existence of poison in her body. Even if they flushed the poison out her organs have already started failing.

Samia couldn't understand why someone poisoned her in this life. She didn't choose the same path.

Does that mean she couldn't avoid anything from her previous life?

Samia knew she couldn't avoid anything in this life. She planned to fight whatever came to her. She had people who cared about her.

She can't afford to make those mistakes twice.

Samia calmed herself after digesting this information.

"Sam, I planned to investigate it," Felix said after he saw her calm down. He was afraid that she might misunderstand him. He didn't want her to feel that just because he was rich, he was using his power to find things she couldn't.

He didn't do this to make her feel small.

" I know you have good intentions." Samia paused and looked at Felix. Felix thought she was going to reject him.

" You can do as you want. I know you want the best for me. And I don't have any power to know anything about it. I am glad that you told me about it instead of keeping it to yourself." Samia eased Felix's worries. She knew she had no power to find out the truth. And it was better to have some clues than to remain completely oblivious about what was going to come.

She couldn't sit calmly and wait for her death.