
The light

"Follow the light, what does she mean by that?" I asked as I paced about Claire's living room.

Yes, I had made it to be that we never fought. 

"Well, I don't know what she meant by that but I believe you can't decipher it if you continue to be like this." She said to me from the couch she sat in front of me.

"I couldn't sleep. How can I calm down? All of this is just too much, I am losing my f*cking mind!" I vented.

"You must remain in control. Pull yourself together and think. If she left such a coded message, it's because she believed you could understand it." Said Claire.

"Then maybe she was wrong because I don't understand sh*t!" 

"You need to take a seat, like right now." She ordered.

I heaved a sigh.

"Fine, fine. You are right, I should relax." I took a seat beside her.

"How's your Dad?" She inquired.

"Fine. I had to use the powers." I told her.

"What? But the Wish guy warned not to." She told me.