
Beauty's oath.


"Where are we headed?" I asked him as we continued walking.

"I am the one heading somewhere." He replied, 

Soon, it occurred to me that we had been on top of a green mountain and now we were at its cliff. Looking down was amazing. 

"What realm is this?" I inquired.

"Where beauty lies." He responded and began walking down the mountain.

"Wait-what?" I voiced, rushing behind him.

"The Eye? My mom told me about this place and in her words it's dark. How is it so beautiful? Plus we shouldn't be here." I told him, having rushed in front of him.

All he did was stare at me like I was insane.

"You said this was safe ground. She told me about the demons here or have you brought me as an offering to the devil?" I asked him.

"I wish it were so." He said to me with a straight face.

–"but, this is the safest place you can be for now." He told me.

"How so?" I asked with raised brows.