
Strange place

My eyes opened up slowly but still, my vision remained blurry.


A certain voice echoed these words through my head. I felt like I was given anaesthesia. It was hard to move, hard to speak and really see.

"Miss!" It was louder now.

"Are you okay?" I heard.

"Yeah, yeah," I said, 

It was a man in his thirties. He held me gently by the arm and pulled me up. He had dark hair and brown eyes. His beards were neatly cut and his smell wasn't cheap.

My ears began to function as well and the honks of cars could be heard. It seemed I was causing stares and also traffic.

"Are you hurt? Do you feel pain?" He inquired. 

I was confused. I turned around and could see people watching. Some passersby, some car drivers and even school children looked out of the windows of their school buses to get a glimpse of what was playing out.