
knees in the sand

I opened up my eyes.

Flickering them, they rolled about in their sockets as my mind tried to figure out if I was just waking up from a dream or if it all happened for real. 

I realised I was under the duvet contemplating if to look underneath or just turn my head to see if actually Ethan was beside me in the same position. 

'Oh my god, it was a dream.' 

I heaved a sigh of relief and then sat up once I saw I was the only one in bed.

"You know it wasn't a dream, right?" 

Ethan's voice brought my mind to a pause. He had just stepped out of the bathroom. Wait, why was he even taking baths? He is a god.

"It wasn't?" I inquired.

"Did it feel like it was?" He asked, walking closer.

"Oh." I voiced, getting out of bed.

"Are you alright?" He inquired.

"Yeah. Sure. I'm just going to freshen up." I said, walking into the bathroom. Once I realised I was naked, I felt regret.