

"Be prepared for anything." He said, 

I knew his constantly being around was choking but maybe I do need the company.

I walked over to the window side and stared at the people I could see outside. 

"So innocent," I said, 

"Naive." He contradicted, 

"It's not their fault they don't believe in mystical creatures, we both know all we are is pure madness," I told him.

"Humans are only this way because they have chosen to make it their nature to be blind. Even if we cause the skies to fall, they will dig up some scientific theory to back it up." He said, 

He wasn't lying about that. I sighed.

"You should get some rest." He told me.

"I just tried to and my dream ended up being a homicide. I could try again but I fear sleep will not come." I told him.

"Never be conclusive when you can be curious, curious enough to know." He said, 

I scoffed.

"You sound like Ethan," I said, 

There was silence.