

It was easy and it was hard.

It got heated. 

Indeed he had gotten bits of my powers and now he used them against me still his grandpa was my biggest challenge, he was indeed a great wizard.

He made his grandson immune to the effects of his attacks on me, the aim was to break me and I feared they were getting there.

A very cold wind began to fill the room and his grandpa caused it. He was really showing off and it was starting to piss me off. 

Moving his hands as they danced to a certain melody and crossing his index and middle finger afterwards, he began to create a portal from the ground.

"Beneath the earth lies the truest gods, arise my lords for I bathemeus.. summon you!" 

He said with a loud voice. 

I rolled my eyes from exhaustion, his persistence in trying to get me to fault was infuriating. I flew over there to prevent the portal from opening up. I tried to destroy it while still defending myself from the two.