


"Are you done?" I asked her with folded arms.

"Ann, I am being serious." She said, 

"Well message received, you may take your leave," I told her and turned away.

"Ann.." She voiced.

"What more do you want?" I turned swiftly to her again.

"When? When exactly were you going to tell me?" I asked her with a shaky tone.

"My mother owed Ignes a favour, a blood oath was made between the both of them, as you know my mother is dead, and then Ignes came, if I didn't do what she asked of me, I would be dead.

It's how it goes, witches make blood oaths and if one party sadly dies before the oath is kept, the one bearing her blood must end it or else the other party will have all rights to eliminate that bloodline. I had no choice." She said, 

"Yeah sure, your life over mine. I never thought you would be such a coward." I told her.