
He comes

My heart hurt.

"But..why…? Why is he so hard to trust? His ways are indecipherable, his acts, everything about him just tends to scream ``DO NOT TRUST ME!" I vented. 

Jon sighed.

"I cannot answer your question. Only he can but I am afraid that even he may not get the chance anymore." He said, 

"What does that mean? What are you saying?" I inquired.

"The feeling you felt once he left only means one thing. He's gone. Forever." He told me.

"Gone..? Forever..?" 

"Yes. He broke the bond." He said, 

"He what?" 

"You already believed he built the bond to deceive you into helping him bring back Amara. So he broke it." He answered.

"He- he couldn't possibly do that to me. He can't do that to me. He can't just leave me!" I said, 

"But he has. I guess he was too hurt to reconsider his intention. Someone needs to put a leash on emotions." He said,