
Racing hearts

Annette's POV

"I can't believe we let him get away with his wits this time." Jon vented.

"We didn't let him. It was never really him, I knew he was too wise to reveal himself that easily. His tricks are frustrating which is the point of all of this.

He is trying to weaken us all before it's even begun, we must hold strong." Michael said,

"Corny bastard." I voiced once we returned to the apartment.

"It was harder than before, fighting him. Whatever he is doing is giving him more strength." Gabriel said, 

I paid no attention to contributing to the conversation, only focused on using my eyes to find Ethan but he wasn't where we had left him.

"Ethan.." I voiced as I feared the worse.

"Ethan!" I increased my tone while moving to search for him. It seemed my tone sparked worry amongst the others as they too realized he wasn't where we had left him.