
The passageway

"Oh, okay, I am she."


She let me in.

"Beautiful place you have here," I said to her while I observed the living room.

"Yeah. Thanks. Oh, shit.." She said and then rushed away. I presumed she was headed for the kitchen. I was right because it came to my nostrils, the smell of burnt food.

With a sigh, she came out, exhaling and brushing the let-loose strands of hair with her hands from blocking her face. I noticed her hands were no longer buried in the gloves and her apron was off. 

She was wearing a light blue sleeve shirt and slim-fit black trousers with her feet hidden in Crocs. 

"Sorry about that," I said, 

"No, no it's nothing. Practice makes perfect, they say. " She replied. 

"I know my question should be why have you come? But we can start with your name" she said, 

"Forgive my manners," I said, walking to where she stood with my right hand stretched out for a handshake.

"Annette," I said,