
The search

Jon's POV

"So what do we do about him?" I asked Ethan and the others. 

We were in the room we had kept Tim without lights and anything to sustain him. The angels were really upset, disappointed actually. They were the ones who believed in mercy but never knew how to forgive the sin of betrayal.

There they stood with arms folded and eyes fixed on Tim who was restrained by holy chains that bound his hands and feet to the ground.

Gabriel stepped forward and moved closer to him.

"What do you suggest we do with you?" He asked him.

"Mercy." He replied weakly.

"Mercy? You allowed yourself to be seduced by the devil. You knew better than anyone the consequences of such and yet you ignored it." Gabriel told him.

"Not to mention you could have gotten us killed," I added.

"I was – frightened," Tim spoke.

"Fear only finds solace in vile minds," Gabriel told him.

"What else is he planning?" Raphael asked Tim.