

Elena's POV

"Didn't get much sleep, did you?" I had to ask him once we met in the passageway. We both had come out of our rooms and seemed to be heading in the same direction– the living room.

He looked messed up from his hair to his shirt. His eyes were proof of a difficult night and I already figured out why.

"Sleeping with a broken heart." He said, wiping his face with his right hand while we took a turn towards the stairs.

I got in front of him, placing my hand on his chest to serve as a signal for him to hold up. He stopped walking and looked at me in confusion I guess. 

I waved my hand in an arc manner over him and he transformed.

"Better," I said with a smile and then turned to walk ahead of him.

Heading down the stairs I could see Michael standing with folded arms and a serious look maintained on his face. Nava and Jon sat quietly and I couldn't help but feel bad news was about to be aired.