
Every one of them


"What do you mean she was taken?" Ethan furiously asked me. 

It felt like I had been summoned by the gods as I stood in the passageway surrounded by every one of them.

"I have no idea. We were talking and– and she was standing just right here– in front of me, some sort of portal– opened up from behind her and it was all so fast, it embraced and pulled her in." I explained to them.

"No!" Ethan roared, kicking the wall.

"Hey, we need to stay calm and think straight. There's no way Elena would have done this or have a hand in it because you created this place, only your power is functional here, you should be explaining how anyone can override that." Michael said to him, 

"Have you unknowingly brought us to a place where we are but sitting ducks?" Gabriel asked, 

"It's impossible. It's not– who could have? Who can?" Ethan voiced,