3: for yuan... ?

"Yuan..." A man covered in blood shivered. Hei Kong didn't know how long he had been here or how he managed to last this far. He thought for sure he would loose his sanity, or maybe he has already lost it. He was about to die yet how come the only this he could think of was that man? That man that had captured then shattered his heart. Wasn't he in this exact situation when Yuan had found him?

Yeah, he remembered.

Hei Kong had just been injured heavily and couldn't help but revert back to his true form. It was a cold day with a heavy rain. He looked so pathetic then, drenched in his own blood, shivering and struggling to keep warm, when a human came. Hei Kong thought for sure he was going to be killed then. It might've been better if he had been.

The man dressed in pure white looked so holy back then, his white hair, red eyes, everything. He looked so cold and aloof yet back then too, everything was different. Yuan knelt down and dirtied his garments, he held out a warm hand to reach for him. Hei Kong was reluctant at the time and resisted with all that he had, but despite that, Yuan still took him back to Falling Cloud Sect and nursed him back to health. There's no way Yuan at the time didn't know of his bloodline, yet he still kept Hei around.

Hei Kong felt so indignant at the time. It was funny looking back, he had probably already fell for Yuan even then. Hei could've left when he was healed, but he didn't. He stayed as a petite fox and lived with Yuan. Those were the happiest days of his life. He, the newly crowned demon king at the time, had lived with and fell for the Grand Elder of the top cultivation sect, fate was funny right?

They lived like that for centuries. Just together, as themselves... it was so nice back then.

Shortly after, Yuan was accused of betraying the human race by the second top sect. He was ambushed and heavily injured and kidnapped. His sect didn't do anything, it was Hei Kong, he was the one who risked his life for Yuan and saved him.

He saved him... Hei Kong still remembered how those bastards crushed the bones in Yuan's hands. Yuan who loved calligraphy and music was devastated that his hands were ruined. Hei Kong and Yuan Ming journeyed for ten years together before finally finding a cure with the resources and connections Hei Kong had slowly gathered while becoming a proper demon king. They went through so many ups and downs, life or death situations together before settling down and deciding to live as a couple. Was that not enough for Yuan?

If Yuan was unhappy staying with him, he could've told him. Hei would've let him go, Hei would have done everything he could to make Yuan smile. Yuan didn't have to force himself. Did Yuan betray him for the world that abandoned him? When everyone left Yuan, Hei was the only one there for him. Hei was there for Yuan in his darkest moments like when Yuan was there for his. Hei couldn't accept it. Why?

"Yuan..." Hei had hardly every cried in his entire life. The first was when he saw how devastated Yuan was at not being able to pursue his passions anymore, the second was when Yuan had poisoned him, and the third... the third was now. Hei couldn't help but curl up and cry his heart out, he felt so betrayed. If Yuan didn't like his army he would've disbanded it, if Yuan didn't like mingling with demons, he would've taken him and left for somewhere even more secluded to settle down.

So why?

Why try and kill him?

For the world that had abandoned Yuan? What about him? Yuan had abandoned him.




Even his name was like a never ending curse that would linger. Hei Kong didn't think he could take much more of this. Yet, he had to. He had to survive and go ask Yuan personally. Hei had to ask Yuan: "Why?"

Even if it broke his heart again, he needed an answer. Even if it was a simple: "You weren't good enough."

Hei just needed something. His body felt like it was being torn apart by the terrifying pressure and bloodlust lingering here. His mind was collapsing but he had to survive.

He had to survive...

Survive for Yuan...


How many days has it been? How many years had it been? Did it matter anymore? Why was Hei still hanging on to his sanity. Was all of this worth is for someone who didn't even care about him? Though the pain was bearable now, Hei could walk around the graveyard of corpsed and swords without collapsing.

These few years Hei had always been slipping in and out of consciousness, he didn't know how long had passed. At the very least, he was comfortable walking around the area now. Every once and again there would be a few demons or cultivators who would fall into this bloody battlefield and slowly loose their minds, atleast Hei was doing better than those people.

Maybe... maybe he wasn't though. The only reason he kept going was still Yuan Ming. Yuan, the light that had shown him what the warmth of family was like. Were the centuries with him could not be compared to a bunch of strangers? Could so many unknown lives be worth as much as him in Yuan's eyes?

Hei was angry and upset, when would he ever be able to leave this place? Could he try and slash apart space? Or maybe bleed himself out?

Hei was really loosing his mind.

"Yuan~ will I be able to see you soon?"

Then, an earthquake. The entire endless span of blood and corpses shook while a bright red glow enveloped a ruby colored flute flew right towards Hei. Hei grabbed it with both hands and it felt like jade, but it didn't look like it. It looked more like a flute shaped container containing blood and hundreds of thousands of faces. Maybe, just maybe, this could be Hei's ticket out of this hell hole.

Yuan... wait for me. I'll be there to bring you home soon.