15th Break: Jin Peng

The moon is round and bright, and the moonlight is stretching towards the open windows of the floating brothel until it touched the bed that is violently shaking, making loud creaks while the sheets on top of it are messy due to two entangled bodies which the skin shine with sweat and moistened the red marks against the fair skin of the body underneath of the other.

"Ah! Ah…!" the woman beneath the man's body cried loudly as the man's manhood rammed inside her body from behind. Her long nails almost tearing the bedsheets that were stained with various liquids.

"Ahhh…" the man sighed with satisfaction as he buried his manhood deep inside the woman's body.

The two people are so drowned with their desires that they didn't notice a head hanging upside down by the window and is looking around the room. Then, the head disappeared.

"Not this room, either." Lin Ze spoke. Then, he suddenly paused. He looked at Meng Xing who is blankly looking at him. He remembered that he blocked Meng Xing's ears earlier to prevent Meng Xing from hearing the noises in the brothel. So, he shook his head at Meng Xing, indicating that he didn't see his 'friend' here, either.

"I see…" Meng Xing sighed in disappointment as Lin Ze pulled him up, then they stood on the roof, looking at the lake where the floating brothel has reached.

Lin Ze has already inspected the upper floors of the brothel where the wealthy people are. Some are rich businessmen who wanted to vent their desires while some were from the wealthy families who were cheating on their wives' backs. With that face of Meng Xing's "friend", if she really had been forced by Jin Peng to become a prostitute after Jin Peng found her, then she should have been to serve the wealthy people.

But, they have already searched the entire upper floors, but they can't find even a shadow of Meng Xing's "friend".

"It couldn't be that Jin Peng has taken fancy of her and she is now with Jin Peng... right?" Lin Ze muttered as his brows knitted. He doesn't like this to happen, but this is not impossible, considering Jin Peng's lustful nature, especially towards the virgin women who he would have a go first before he would toss them to his customers.

"What did you say?" Meng Xing asked as he looked at Lin Ze. He had just finished throwing a letter to Qiu Liu who he took with him tonight and was secretly following them.

Qiu Liu has already checked the lower floors of the floating brothel while Lin Ze was checking the upper floors with Meng Xing. But, while Lin Ze was checking the room earlier, Qiu Liu signed at Meng Xing, telling him that Xu Ran is not in the lower floors.

That leaves... "Jin Peng's room." Meng Xing frowned.

As Lin Ze told Meng Xing earlier this noon, Jin Peng owns the floating brothel – the most famous brothel in the capital. Jin Peng is a nouveau rich who suddenly appeared in the capital. Some said that he is actually a son of a wealthy family and he just changed his name after he was disowned and he got his wealth through evil means. Some said that he was actually from jianghu and transferred to the capital after he accumulated enough wealth as he planned to rest for the latter part of his life.

According to Lin Ze, the former part is true. But, as the boss of Huichen, Meng Xing knows that the latter is also true. After Jin Peng was disowned by his family, he went to jianghu and joined an evil gang to rob many people. Then, finally, he returned to the capital and started a new career.

Lin Ze frowned in displeasure since Meng Xing's friend might really be in Jin Peng's room. "I will go and check Jin Peng's room." He finally decided. Even though he felt that Jin Peng is not a simple person, but it is not as if he is unable to fight him. He is just worried for his cover to be blown off.

"Alright." Meng Xing nodded.

Lin Ze was about to leave when, suddenly, they heard an ear-piercing scream nearby! This scream is not a scream of pleasure but of...

Lin Ze's eyes narrowed. "That's – " he muttered.

Meng Xing's eyes widened and he reflexively glanced to the side where Qiu Liu is. He saw Qiu Liu mouthed 'Jin Peng's room'. Then, he left to take a look at Jin Peng's room that they yet to check.

"Blood?" Meng Xing muttered when the smell of blood carried by the wind drifted to their nose. Even though he already had a guess from that scream as to what might have happened, still, to smell blood from this distance shows how tragic the situation is.

"You stay here – " Lin Ze told Meng Xing as he was about to leave to check what happened in Jin Peng's room when suddenly, they saw a figure landed on the roof not far from them!

Meng Xing's brows raised since this isn't Qiu Liu. But, he acted afraid and he hid behind Lin Ze while clutching the other's clothes. "Who... who are you?" he timidly asked as he glanced at the black-clothed person.

Lin Ze's expression changed and he vigilantly looked at the newcomer.

The person looked at them. "And who are you?" he asked as he took out a dagger.

Lin Ze frowned and touched his saber hidden underneath his clothes. "What we are doing here has nothing to do with you." He answered.

Meng Xing almost choked on his saliva. Sir although I know you said those words to not tell the suspicious person of our objective, but your words also make one mistake that we are really a couple!

"Heh. Do you think I am a fool?" the suspicious person sneered as he raised his hand holding a dagger which the blade ominously glinted when moonlight struck it "Only a fool won't believe that you have ulterior motives!" he said and advanced towards them!