20th Break: Black Sheep 

Lin An regretted that he was indecisive, and so he pursued Fang Hui relentlessly. But, how can Fang Hui's other suitors be that easily defeated? They may have given up before after seeing Fang Hui settled on Lin An to the point of marriage. But, now that Lin An has lost his chance, they wanted to beat him this time!

Fortunately, Fang Hui saw Lin An's sincerity and she finally decided to marry Lin An. Lin An also knelt before father Fang and vowed that he would only love Fang Hui and never take any concubines. Father Fang then said that he was just stating possibilities before since he doesn't want his daughter to be wronged. So, he finally agreed to Fang Hui's marriage with Lin An. And it turned out that Fang Hui could bear a child, and so their marriage is blissful.

As for Fang Hui's siblings, her two elder brothers already have their own families. Meanwhile, her two younger brothers still haven't, especially Fang Bozhi who is arrogant and has a bad temper. The youngest has just reached a marriageable age.

"Your second elder brother?" Lin Ze spoke. His voice pulled Madam Lin from her thoughts.

"Yes. Among us siblings, second elder brother has the worst relationship with him." Madam Lin said.

Lin Ze then recalled that every time them brothers would visit their mother's maiden family, they didn't see the wife and children of their second uncle (mother's side). They thought that they just missed the time in meeting them. But, now that he heard what Madam Lin said, it turned out that the wife of their second uncle actually is avoiding the Fang family, because Fang Bozhi killed their second uncle.

"But, I thought that second uncle died from an illness that he contracted during one of his business trips." Lin Ze spoke as he looked at his mother. "And that Fang Bozhi killed a relative who visited that day…" he added. Then, he suddenly paused.

Now that he thought about it, father Fang announced second uncle's death just days after Fang Bozhi killed someone. Father Fang said that second uncle's illness was stimulated after seeing Fang Bozhi killed someone. But, after Madam Lin told him the truth, Lin Ze then thought that indeed, second uncle killed Fang Bozhi and he died, for it was him who Fang Bozhi killed!

"Fang Bozhi…" Lin Ze spoke, but Madam Lin cut him off.

"There was no one with such name in our family." Madam Lin said. Her expression is cold.

Father Fang has long since removed the name from their family tree, this black sheep Fang Bozhi.

Lin Ze fell silent. Then, he nodded in understanding. "Jin Peng died violently because he was assassinated." He told Madam Lin.

Madam Lin's expression didn't even change. "The moment that he committed his second crime, we knew that he didn't repent, and instead became worse." She spoke. "We then disregarded him as a family." She told him.

Lin Ze didn't say anything anymore. Madam Lin then left, stating she was tired, and walked back to her room on her own.

"Brother?" a juvenile voice called.

Lin Ze turned and saw his younger brother Lin Rui. "Rui-er, come here." He said and beckoned the youth to come.

Lin Rui's eyes brightened as he went to his second brother, almost skipping in his steps. "Brother!" he exclaimed.

"How was your studies?" Lin Ze asked as he rubbed the youth's head.

The smile on Lin Rui's lips froze. "… average." He said and lowered his head, feeling wronged. Why did his second brother ask that? He thought and pouted his lips.

Lin Ze chuckled when he saw his younger brother's aggrieved expression. "Do you hate brother?" he asked.

"No!" Lin Rui answered and shook his head. He idolizes both his elder brothers – Lin Hao and Lin Ze. The former is the top scholar while the latter is the top martial arts practitioner. Who would be as lucky as him to be the younger brother of the two?!

But, unfortunately, he himself is average in both studies and martial arts. Sometimes, he thinks that he was adopted. But, his eldest brother Lin Hao told him that he is fine the way he is, since it is really very hard to be at the top. Meanwhile, his elder brother Lin Ze told him in a joking way that he and their eldest brother have stolen in their mother's womb the intelligence in studies and prowess in martial arts, leaving nothing for Lin Rui.

That comforted Lin Rui. So he joked back to Lin Ze that if they would have another sibling, maybe this sibling would be the most talented in the six arts. Little did he know that his words would become true later…

"Don't worry. Aren't you good in espionage and archery?" Lin Ze told Lin Rui.

Lin Rui's eyes narrowed and he grinned. "Yes, brother." He answered.

"Then, this is already good." Lin Ze said and patted Lin Rui's shoulder. "In the future, you will help me and eldest brother, like what you have been doing until now." He told him.

Lin Rui may be average in both studies and martial arts, and is gossipy, looking like any idle young masters like Lin Yao – their cousin. But, Lin Rui is smart compared to Lin Yao, who is the real idler. And it was thanks to Lin Rui that Lin Ze and Lin Hao know most news, as well as gossips, in the capital.

"Brother, in fact, I…" Lin Rui muttered.

"Hm? What is it?" Lin Ze asked when he saw that his younger brother has something to tell him. "Do you want a gift?" he asked.

"No." Lin Rui shook his head.

"Then, what is it?" Lin Ze asked.

"I want to work in Huichen." Lin Rui answered.

Lin Ze, who was just about to sip his tea, almost sprayed his tea. He looked at his younger brother in shock. "You… want to work in Huichen?" he asked.

Lin Rui nodded. "Yes." he answered. "Eldest brother even told me to go if I want to." he said.

Lin Ze is even more shocked. "Eldest brother told you?!" he exclaimed.

"En. Huichen is the best spy organization." Lin Rui said.

Lin Ze's lip twitched. "They are an intelligence organization, not spy organization!" he corrected him.