25th Break: Investigation 

"Boss, what will you do now?" Qiu Shisi asked as he looked at Meng Xing.

"You continue watching over the Meng family, especially Meng Zixin." Meng Xing said. "That woman from jianghu is using her to get to Meng Ruyan, so she will definitely return." He spoke. "We have to know what her objective is, why did she want to kill me." He said.

"Yes, boss!" Qiu Shisi answered and bowed, then left to return to the Meng family.

Qiu Liu has already returned to the Xu family's restaurant earlier, while Qiu Qi returned to monitoring the people who owned the boats that passed by the river where Xu Ran was last found.

"Boss." Qiu Yi called when only he and Meng Xing were left. "This matter is related to jianghu again..." he sighed.

Meng Xing coughed before he spoke. "I know what you want to ask." He said. "But, I can't do anything right now aside from being patient." He told Qiu Yi.

Qiu Yi fell silent as he recalled that the emperor ordered Meng Xing not to pursue the matters related to jianghu. Obviously, the emperor knows something, and that the jianghu right now, for the people from there coming to the capital with a purpose, it seems that a big event has happened.

Does Lin Ze know about this, that is why he came to the capital after leaving it for five years? Qiu Yi thought, before he recalled that it was Lin Hao who actually called Lin Ze. It made sense, then. The emperor knows that the jianghu became 'livelier', and Lin Hao must know, too, from the emperor, and so he called Lin Ze back to the capital.

It seems that the happenings in jianghu are very serious. Just look at the people who they discovered recently that appeared in the capital. It must have something to do with the capital, too. But, their boss' matter... just why did it involve the jianghu? And it happened five years ago!

"Qiu Yi." Meng Xing called. His voice pulled Qiu Yi from his thoughts. "Tell Qiu San to come back to the capital." He spoke. He still have Jiang Xu in jianghu to ask for news. "Tell Qiu San to investigate which figures who hailed from jianghu that came to the capital. And when." He told Qiu Yi.

Qiu Yi solemnly nodded. "Yes, boss." He answered and immediately left.

Meng Xing coughed after Qiu Yi left. His tense shoulders now relaxed. "Meng Ruyan... just who are you?" he muttered and closed his eyes. He felt his entire body is burning up, and his insides hurt so much. He took deep breaths to ease the pain, hoping that this is the only effects that the poison have.

Meng Ruyan directly died five years ago, but his soul made him alive again. That time, Meng Xing didn't feel anything weird. He only knew that Meng Ruyan must have been poisoned because there was no wound in Meng Ruyan's body, and there was an unfinished food. He should have kept the food to ask a doctor to find out what poison was in there, but the food has already gone cold. Meng Xing doesn't know what kind of poison was it and if it disappears immediately after being exposed to air for a certain time. Also, the food would get spoiled if kept for a long time, and Meng Xing also doesn't know anyone in the world that time. Not to mention that he has no money, and he was uncertain whether his family would give him some.

So, Meng Xing can only remain patient and investigate by himself first who could have poisoned him. Later, he created Huichen, and had his own people to investigate the Meng family.

Thinking until here, Meng Xing remembered Lin Ze, who took him to a doctor earlier. "Lin Ze..." his brows knitted.

The last time that they have seen each other was on the floating brothel. After he found out that Xu Ran wasn't there, he planned to break it off with Lin Ze, since he finally has gotten bored of 'playing' with him. He has an intelligence organization himself who are doing the investigations for him. So, he planned to lay low for a while and do other things after getting tired of Lin Ze.

So, he was really surprised that Lin Ze would find him. He then realized that this guy is really upright to continue pursuing Xu Ran's case. He really has to give it to him. As expected of a child raised by his upright parents.

What Meng Xing didn't expect though was for him to suddenly have a fever, and so his expression was ugly when he met Lin Ze. He thought that his fever due to falling in the lake with Lin Ze came back. He didn't expect it would be due to the poison that Meng Ruyan unknowingly taken.

Meng Xing sighed. He really thought that Meng Ruyan was just an idle young master. But, he didn't think that there could be more behind Meng Ruyan's identity, to which Meng Ruyan himself might not be aware of.

"Ke." He coughed as he drank the medicine that doctor Ji slipped in his sleeve earlier when Qiu Yi and Qiu Qi arrived.

Even if he knew some poisons when he was still a detective in his last life, but he is afraid that most of it are useless in this world. He hopes not, though. But, still, it is a must to have an expert in medicine, as well as poisons, on his side. Until now, Huichen still hasn't found one, though, since they haven't bumped into such cases that involve poisons.

Because Huichen relies on their sharp observation skills to figure out the culprits.

"It really is time to find one." Meng Xing muttered. Especially now that they finally got a clue about Meng Ruyan's death. "Where to find one, though?" he muttered as he looked at the lotus lake while he pondered.

The cool breeze coming from the lake dampened the heat coming from his body that is burning up. He was very grateful that he chose such an area as Huichen's headquarters.

Just as Meng Xing is cooling off, he heard a servant announcing Lin Ze's arrival, with Lin Ze asking for Huichen to tell him where Meng Xing's home is.