30th Break: Befriend

"Where you hurt just now when your palm hit the table?" Lin Ze asked as he glanced at Meng Xing's hand.

"I am not that squeamish." Meng Xing rolled his eyes.

"You are now." Lin Ze reminded him. Seeing Meng Xing is angry, he stopped. "It seems that you really weren't hurt." He said as they stopped by outside the Xu family's restaurant. "Is this where your friend will pick you up?" he asked.

"En." Meng Xing just said.

"Then, have you eaten?" Lin Ze asked as if he didn't see Meng Xing's cold expression. "If not, we can eat first while waiting for your friend." He said. Before Meng Xing could answer, he pulled the other inside.

Qiu Liu who has already seen them two since earlier almost peed in fright when he saw their boss' extremely dark face. He almost cried "boss, please spare me!". Fortunately, he stopped in time, or else Meng Xing would explode on the spot if he had blown his cover.

"Hello, sirs." Qiu Liu greeted after he pushed a waiter away who was about to approach Lin Ze and Meng Xing. Brother, can't you see my boss' face? I am just saving your life! He thought as he inwardly cried.

"It is you." Lin Ze recognized Qiu Liu as the one who returned Meng Xing's fan. "Lead us to a room – " he said, but Meng Xing cut him off again.

"Just by the window is fine." Meng Xing said.

Lin Ze looked at him. "But it would be noisy for you – " he said.

"It's not. I like liveliness." Meng Xing said with an indifferent expression.

Qiu Liu who knows that Meng Xing likes quietness. "..." your face says otherwise! He inwardly roasted but still kept a smile on his face. "Then... let me lead you." He said and glanced at Meng Xing before he turned around. He secretly sighed in relief.

Their boss insisted that he will go back to the Meng residence today, which both saddened and worried them since they are reluctant to part with him, and that he is still ill. They felt sadder since Meng Xing wanted to go back on his own. Fortunately, their boss met Lin Ze today who helped their boss, albeit they know that this shameless man just wanted to get entangled with their boss again!

Qiu Liu left after taking their orders. He had to rell the people in Huichen that their boss met Lin Ze today!

"... he looks like he is in a hurry." Lin Ze commented as they watched Qiu Liu leave.

Meng Xing's eyes narrowed. He knows that Qiu Liu would tell his other subordinates that he almost fell today! "He must be in a hurry to pee." He said.

Qiu Liu, who hasn't left that far, almost tripped when he heard what their boss said. He really wanted to cry. But, fortunately, his posture is stable or Lin Ze would suspect he is also a practitioner in martial arts!

"Enough." Meng Xing scoffed as he looked at Lin Ze. "What do you want? I thought that I already made it clear with you that we should not have any intersection from hereon?" he said and frowned.

"I didn't agree." Lin Ze said.

Meng Xing sneered. "So what? This is harassment." He said.

"Today is just a coincidence." Lin Ze defended himself.

"Where is your proof?" Meng Xing glared at him. "And you pulled me here out of my will." He added.

Lin Ze avoided his gaze. "That was your agreement with Officer Lin, not me." He said.

Meng Xing gnashed his teeth in anger. How shameless! He inwardly screamed. "Officer Lin is you, and from your words now, there is an agreement between us." He spoke. "So, don't go near me again." He told Lin Ze and rose from his seat.

Lin Ze frowned. "Your medicine is still with me." He reminded him.

Meng Xing scoffed. "I can buy them again." He said and walked away. But, before he could, Lin Ze's figure flashed before him. Before he could react, he was returned to his seat.

"I will return your medicine to you." Lin Ze said and placed the medicine bag on the table.

Meng Xing murderously glared at him. "Just what do you want?" he coldly asked. If Lin Ze pushes his button again, he will really kill him even if his cover is blown.

Lin Ze knows that Meng Xing is at the end of his patience. "I really don't want to make you angry, ever." He honestly said. "Especially that you are sick now." He added.

"Oh? You are aware?" Meng Xing sneered.

Lin Ze pursed his lips, feeling wronged. "Really. I just want to be friend with you." He sincerely said.

"But I don't want to." Meng Xing angrily laughed.

"That's because we started at the wrong foot – " Lin Ze said.

"Which wrong foot? My feet are alright." Meng Xing sarcastically said.

Lin Ze took a deep breath to suppress his frustration. He really felt wronged. He has never felt such a grievance ever since he was born. Even when he was badly beaten and lost half of his life before in jianghu, he never felt this frustrated. "I really want to be friends with you since we are like-minded people." He said.

Qiu Liu who was outside and heard the word 'like'. "..." even if Lin Ze likes our boss now and regrets breaking the engagement, we will never hand our boss to him! He thought and clenched his fists.

Meng Xing laughed. "So what if we are like-minded people?" he asked.

In Qiu Liu's ears, Meng Xing's words became "so what if you like me?". His jaw almost dropped on the floor.

"We could be friends." Lin Ze said as he looked in Meng Xing's eyes.

Meng Xing brightly smiled. "Second young master Lin really could lie without batting an eyelid." He said.

Lin Ze frowned. "What do you mean?" He asked.

"I am not that delusional to be friends with second young master Lin or Officer Lin. I can't afford it." Meng Xing said and sighed.

"You – " Lin Ze is angry now.

"Why don't you just be straightforward with me?" Meng Xing asked.

"I am – " Lin Ze said.

Meng Xing cut him off. "Just say that you are trying to get into my life." He said. "Or, get into my pants?" he grinned.