37th Break: Questions 

The 'comrade', or to say, Lin Ze, is looking at Ah Yu with his eyes bloodshot and his hand tightly holding the hilt of his saber. He really wanted to kill this Ah Yu, but he can't since the Huichen wanted him to catch Ah Yu alive. Hearing what this Ah Yu said earlier, Lin Ze knows that there is more to Wen Liao's case, as he had suspected before.

'that thing'? What is that thing? Lin Ze thought. But, he can't ask more, since he knows that the higher-ups don't want for Wen Liao's case to be investigated further. That is why they hurriedly closed Wen Liao's case. Thus, Lin Ze could only slowly investigate this matter. He now realized that his elder brother called him for this. His elder brother must also know, since he is working in the palace. And the emperor must be the one who requested for Wen Liao's case to be closed.

Lin Ze heaved a deep sigh, suppressing his hatred so that he won't kill Ah Yu. "Still not going out?" he spoke and turned to look at the door. "Not afraid that I will kill this crossdresser?" he asked.

Ah Yu's body trembled in alarm. But, he can't speak nor move even if he wanted to call for help, or to escape.

Lin Ze turned to look at Ah Yu. "No need to look for your friend. I already killed him." he told Ah Yu.

Ah Yu's pupils shook.

"You won't kill him." a voice spoke.

"Oh?" Lin Ze muttered and turned back to the door, which opened now, revealing a tall figure in black clothes. "Really from Huichen…" he muttered.

The newcomer didn't speak and fed Ah Yu a pill before he undid Lin Ze's locking Ah Yu's meridians. "Dress up." he ordered.

Ah Yu's body finally moved, but only for him to follow the newcomer's order.

"You obviously could catch him with your own strength, so why use me?" Lin Ze asked as he looked at the newcomer.

"If someone can do it, then let him do it." Qiu Si answered as he tied a transparent thread around Ah Yu's neck.

Ah Yu's face turned pale, knowing that if he would resist, this guy would definitely cut his neck off!

Lin Ze's brow raised when he heard Qiu Si's answer. This guy is lazy… so, there are lazy people in Huichen? He thought. "You…" he muttered.

Qiu Si ignored Lin Ze and took out a letter before placing it on the bed.

"What's that?" Lin Ze asked.

"A letter." Qiu Si answered as he opened the door with Ah Yu following behind him.

Lin Ze's lip twitched at Qiu Si's sarcasm. "I mean, what is that for?" he asked and followed them.

"The 'ghost's letter." Qiu Si just said.

"'ghost's letter'?" Lin Ze looked at Ah Yu.

"En." Qiu Si just said and didn't elaborate.

Lin Ze frowned. He was about to speak when he saw that Qiu Si changed his dark clothes, before he went out of the Yang family's inn while wobbling, acting drunk as he placed his hand on Ah Yu's waist while making Ah Yu lean his head on his shoulder.

"…" what the hell is this?! Lin Ze's face is covered in black lines as he looked at the 'affectionate couple' in front of him. He knows that it is just an act, but it is very convincing, okay? He looked at Qiu Si with a complicated expression on his face. He then looked around, checked that there were no other figures hiding in the darkness, before he returned to Huichen on his own.

Meng Xing opened his eyes when he heard a rustling sound. He turned over on his bed and looked at the folding screen.

"Boss, sorry to wake you up." it was Qiu Shisi.

"Speak." Meng Xing sat up and spoke in the darkness, with only the moonlight from the window illuminating them.

"Lin Ze successfully captured Ah Yu and Qiu Si successfully brought Ah Yu to Huichen." Qiu Shisi said.

"Good." Meng Xing muttered.

"But… Lin Ze also followed them…" Qiu Shisi added, then hesitated. "I am afraid that he… will come to visit you in your 'house' as soon as he gets your address…" he spoke in a low voice.

Meng Xing. "…" well, damn it. Why are these practitioners so active at night?! He thought, his face covered in black lines.

"What address should we give to Lin Ze?" Qiu Shisi asked and grimaced.

Meng Xing placed a hand on his forehead, feeling headache. He is already thankful that the poison didn't act up again aside from that high fever, so he can be leisurely lately. "I already expected this… just give him the address of a random house in the suburbs." He answered.

"Then, if he sees that you are not there tonight…" Qiu Shisi muttered.

"Just tell him tomorrow that I spend time with my friends lately." Meng Xing answered.

"Understood." Qiu Shisi said and immediately left to send back a message to Huichen.

Meng Xing tiredly sighed before he lied back on his bed, pulling up his quilt. Ah Yu now has been captured… but, Xu Ran is still not found. Where could she be? He thought and closed his eyes. "I will have Qiu Liu investigate further the Xu couple." He muttered, referring to Xu Ran's parents.

Qiu Liu said last time that Xu father was seen near Wen Liao's place of death, but no one said that he was there that time. If not for the beggar, Qiu Liu wouldn't find it out.

"Wen Liao and Mr. Xu…" Meng Xing muttered as his consciousness slowly faded.

These two don't seem to have any relation with each other since one is in the wares business while the other is in the food business. They investigated and Mr. Xu wasn't a customer of Wen Liao before. So, why did Mr. Xu appear there that night? Was he really related to Wen Liao's death?

Meng Xing heaved a sigh and curled up on the bed. "Everything will be solved when we find Xu Ran." He said as his consciousness finally disappeared.