[Bonus chapter]50th Break: Innocent 

Qiu Yi and Qiu Shisi looked at the female practitioner who was chained to the wall. They sneered when they heard what she said.

"Why?" Qiu Yi scoffed. "Because taking a life is a crime!" he answered and glared at her. Especially that it was their boss' life!

Qiu Shisi nodded in agreement as he looked at the female practitioner with his eyes filled with disdain. "Meng Ruyan is innocent." He told her.

One of the most hateful things about the practitioners is that they kill, especially those who are innocent. Worse, they kill just because they are wilful. Which is extremely despicable! They say that the strong rules the world, and the weak submits to the strong. Yes, this is correct. But this is a very hateful notion. Just because this world was set as it is, the weak has no right to live? The weak has no right to fight?

And so, when the weak bands together, it is a satisfying sight, especially when they want to defeat someone strong. They may or may not succeed, but at least they have fought for themselves. Most of the members of Huichen also were weak. But, after their boss took them in, they united to protect their boss. All they did was for their boss' sake.

"'innocent'?" The female practitioner muttered and bitterly laughed. "Yes. He is innocent." She said and broke into a laughter. She is laughing, but her tears are also streaming down her cheeks, making her look like she had gone insane. Well, maybe she did.

Qiu Yi and Qiu Shisi snorted in disdain. They don't feel a bit of sympathy to this woman. They don't hate the practitioners, since they also have people in Huichen who are practitioners. Qiu Shisi is one, and Qiu Si is another. Qiu Qi, too, even though she doesn't look like one since she acts too lady-like – even if she is really a lady. Then, there is Qiu Er, who rarely showed up in Huichen and always anywhere to do missions.

There are also the pair of sister and brother Qiu Jiu and Qiu Shi, who were formerly clients of Huichen, seeking to investigate their family's death and also to avenge their family. Lastly, there is Qiu Shiqi, who were from jianghu and came to Huichen yes, he was also a client) to find his long-lost younger brother.

Anyway, they only hate the practitioners when they indiscriminately kill, just like this female practitioner. Since she knows that Meng Ruyan is innocent, why would she kill him then? And, she even returned after five years to check whether she has succeed in her mission five years ago. Then, after knowing that she failed, she still wanted to continue her mission. She is hell-bent on killing Meng Ruyan!

Just how much hate does she have towards Meng Ruyan? Thinking this, Qiu Yi and Qiu Shisi turned to look at their boss with sympathy in their eyes.

"Ha." Meng Xing sighed. His fists that were clenched now loosened. He felt relieved after he heard the female practitioner confirm that Meng Ruyan is truly innocent.

After he found out that someone deliberately killed Meng Ruyan, he is suspicious not only of the poisoner, but also of the reason why they would kill Meng Ruyan. Yes, everything has a cause. He knows this. Every debt has its debtor. So, Meng Xing wanted to know not only the person who killed Meng Ruyan, but he also wanted to know why would they kill Meng Ruyan.

If Meng Ruyan is innocent, then that is good. But, if Meng Ruyan did something wrong, then Meng Xing, who is now occupying Meng Ruyan's body, has to bear that crime on his shoulders. Even if Meng Ruyan was just sixteen that time, but in this era, a sixteen year old child is already a legally marriageable age. Even a child is capable of committing a crime. How about Meng Ruyan who is sixteen years old? Thus, Meng Xing is really though secretly tense, fearing that Meng Ruyan really has committed a crime. Especially with this female practitioner so crazed about in killing Meng Ruyan, making one think that Meng Ruyan did something unforgivable to her.

So, now that Meng Xing heard the female practitioner say that Meng Ruyan is innocent, the stone in Meng Xing's heart finally has sunk. He can now sleep well… well, not yet! He still has poison in his body!

Thinking this, Meng Xing's face was covered in black lines while he recalled what the doctor told him before. He doesn't know when will the thing other than the poison would weaken again, thus unable to suppress the poison in his body, causing the poison to act up again.

"Since he is innocent, why do you want to kill him, then?" he asked the female practitioner.

The female practitioner looked at him. "Do you need a reason to hate someone?" she asked back.

Meng Xing frowned, as well as Qiu Yi and Qiu Shisi, when they heard what the female practitioner said.

But, Meng Xing remained calm. "You came from jianghu while Meng Ruyan has never left the capital." He spoke. "How can you two have any intersection?" he asked as his eyes narrowed. He sharply looked at the female practitioner. "You are lying." He said.

Qiu Yi and Qiu Shisi started. That's right! Meng Ruyan is from the capital, and he should have never left the capital, nor even went to jianghu. So, how can this female practitioner from jianghu know of Meng Ruyan?

They glared murderously at the female practitioner who just laughed at them.

"Someone ordered you to do it." Meng Xing spoke.

Qiu Yi and Qiu Shisi froze, while the female practitioner's eyes widened. Then, her already bloodshot eyes turned redder as she glared at Meng Xing while gnashing her teeth in anger, as if she wanted to bite him whole.

"Right… someone must have ordered her to do it…" Qiu Yi muttered in realization.

"Yes. This is possible." Qiu Shisi nodded in agreement. "Hell-bent on the mission… if it is not a personal grudge, then it is an irrevocable order." He said.

The chains clanged as the female practitioner tried to break free. She wanted to rip Meng Xing's mouth to stop him from speaking!