[Bonus chapter]57th Break: Shaken

The meeting with Lin Ze and 'Meng Ruyan' today finally ended after Lin Ze left the Meng residence with a bewildered face. The people who were standing by near the Meng residence who followed Lin Ze earlier after they saw Lin Ze came to the Meng residence with gifts were surprised when they saw Lin Ze came out with a lost expression on his face. They wanted to ask him what has happened, since they know that the Meng family almost became the Lin family's in-laws.

But, seeing Lin Ze's expression right now, they know that they won't be able to hear any answer from Lin Ze. So, they left, not being able to eat melon seeds (gossip).

Meanwhile, Lin Ze who should have been the protagonist today wandered around the streets, feeling absent-minded. "How…" he muttered. "How can there be someone who has the same eyes, and maybe face, with another person?" he asked while he stared at the ground.

"Hey, hey!" somebody shouted while waving excitedly to the crowd.

"What is it?" the crowd immediately asked as they all gathered around the stall where there was a sign 'to gossip'. In short, this is a stall to gossip, since they provide gossip.

Naturally, this is one of the liveliest stalls!

"What is the gossip for today?" someone asked with a smile.

Yes, this gossip stall provides gossips daily. As for whether these gossips are true or not, they don't care. They only want to be amused, especially when they have a bad day. As to who would be so bored to set up a stall that doesn't even make money – the income depends on who would be willing to give him, which makes no different from a beggar on the streets, no one knows.

That is right. They don't know who is the owner of such a stall. When they ask the people who provides gossip which change everyday, they would say that they don't know. Their reason why they would provide gossip was because they saw that this stall is for gossips. Since they know some gossips, why not exchange it for some money?

And so there was another gossip about this stall, in which the owner was afraid to claim it was his stall since he is afraid that someone would retaliate against him for gossiping about them.

"The gossip for today... well you have heard the rumors about it before." The gossip teller said.

"Eh? Which gossip?" they asked. "Come, tell us! Maybe I haven't heard about it yet." They said.

"Well, I will tell you!" the gossip teller said. "It is about Meng Ruyan!" he said.

Lin Ze, who was not far and has a sharp hearing heard the name from the gossip teller. Meng Ruyan... he thought and recalled that extremely beautiful face that even a woman can't compare. Those pair of eyes that can hook one's soul was so similar to another person whom he knew, but somewhat also not. But, by coincidence, these two people also share the same surname.

Or was it really a coincidence? Lin Ze thought. If he just doesn't know that Meng Zongqi is a man who is faithful to his wife, he would think that Meng Xing is Meng Ruyan! Then, who is Meng Xing? Is he really just an orphan? He thought as his brows knitted, feeling extremely confused.

Meng Xing is someone who is filled with mystery. Despite his carefree personality, he is also a wary person. Or else, Lin Ze would not have such a difficulty in befriending the other. So, Lin Ze knows that Meng Xing has not only still has his guard up against him, but Meng Xing also has more mysteries in him. And one of them is his origin. If Lin Ze does not know Huichen, he would not be convinced that Meng Xing is not a spy.

Meng Xing said that he came from countryside. Which countryside, then? Is he really from the countryside? He doesn't act like one at all. Though he really seem naive in other aspects – like the brothels, for one. Then, what about that woman who he has been looking for? Now that they know that the one who poisoned Meng Xing was that female practitioner, then that woman who Meng Xing was looking for and Lin Ze misunderstood as the one who poisoned Meng Xing, who is she?

Lin Ze can't help but recall the man and the woman who picked up Meng Xing in Old Ji's clinic. Meng Xing said that they are his friends. So, that woman who went missing... is she actually really Meng Xing's friend?

Thinking this, Lin Ze took a deep breath. If that missing woman is really Meng Xing's friend, then all the more that Lin Ze would work to find her!

"Meng Ruyan?" the crowd was surprised.

Lin Ze, who resumed walking and just refilled his vigor, almost stumbled when he heard the name again. He grimaced. Right, Meng Ruyan. He thought as he placed a palm on his forehead. But, his hand is actually shaking.

Yes, he was shaken. Who wouldn't be shaken when you see such a beautiful person? Lin Ze also remembered that he was shaken like this when he first saw Meng Xing. And that was just the upper half of Meng Xing's face! Who doesn't like beauty? Well, not Lin Ze! He admits that this was the reason why he was attracted of Meng Xing – well, albeit it is just the upper half of his face. The other reason was because of the mysteries surrounding Meng Xing.

As for Meng Ruyan... Lin Ze lowered his head.

"What is the gossip about Meng Ruyan?" the crowd in the gossip stall asked.

"Did you already hear about Meng Ruyan's appearance?" the gossip teller asked.

"That he is ugly and is a frog who wanted to eat swan meat when he got engaged with Lin Ze?" they said.

Lin Ze who heard it almost spat a mouthful of blood. Meng Ruyan is a frog? Then what about him, who admits that his looks are worse than Meng Ruyan?! A tadpole?! He thought as his face was covered in black lines. He is afraid that he is the frog who wants to eat swan meat! He sighed, feeling complicated.

Yes, he is also attracted of Meng Ruyan.