[Bonus chapter]59th Break: Ghost 

"Take us to an inn!" Lin Yao ordered the driver after he got boarded the carriage with the drunk Lin Ze. He had to take the drunk Lin Ze out of the Lin family's sight. Or else, it would be him who will be out of their sight after they sweep him out of their residence!

That is right. Lin Yao's family is in the countryside and his family sent him to the capital with his repeated urging with them. So, he is now staying in Lin Ze's home.

"Alright!" The driver answered and the carriage sped away. "Ai! Drunk at this middle of the day?" the driver said and clicked his tongue while shaking head in dismay, lamenting how are the youths of today doing.

Lin Yao who heard what the driver said. "…" no. It was me who is disappointing! Lin Ze is innocent and was led astray by me! He thought, wanting to cry. He feels even guiltier.

Fortunately, Lin Ze got drunk in the Lin residence and not somewhere else. Or else, Lin Ze's reputation would have gone down the drain again!

"Just what the hell happened to you?" Lin Yao asked and sighed as he patted Lin Ze's back to comfort the other.

In fact, he knows that his cousin is confused with his feelings, thus making him think that he is pedaling on two boats. So now, Lin Ze can't accept this since he had always been a straightforward individual, including to his feelings. He never permits cheating. But now, he feels that he is doing it (cheating) mentally to Meng Xing and Meng Ruyan, which made him truly feel disgusted of himself.

Even if he has not started a romantic relationship with either of the two, but if he is already like this now, what more would it be if he really has started a romantic relationship with one of them?

"We are here!" the driver said and the carriage stopped.

Lin Yao turned and looked outside. They arrived at the Yang family's inn. "Let's go, cousin!" he said as he helped Lin Ze out of the carriage.

"Mr. Yang, congratulations for driving away the ghost of your inn!" one of the guests told Mr. Yang.

Mr. Yang's smile is very bright. "Yes. I was very surprised that the ghost left me a letter and apologized to me." He spoke. He doesn't know how many times has he already said this to the guests who arrived today. But, his voice remained bright and lively.

"A letter!" the guests exclaimed when they heard what Mr. Yang said.

"A letter from a ghost… can ghosts write letters?!" one of them asked in surprise.

"What's more is that, this ghost apologized!" someone said.

"Yeah. It seems that this ghost is conscientious." An old man said while combing his long beard.

"Well, we didn't hear that this ghost killed or hurt anyone, right?" another of them asked.

"Yes, yes. This ghost only stayed in the room and ate some of the foods in the kitchen." Mr. Yang answered and sighed.

"It is a harmless ghost, then." They concluded.

"That is right!" Mr. Yang is beaming.

"But, why did the ghost leave suddenly?" someone wondered.

"Of course it is to stop bothering Mr. Yang anymore!" one of them answered.

"Is that so…?" the person skeptically said.

Meng Xing, who was silently listening to them from upstairs, is looking outside the window. The letter that they were talking about is not the letter that the 'ghost' left, but the letter that Qiu Si left and was written by Qiu Shijiu – one of the employees of Huichen who is also a writer. It was also Qiu Shijiu who is the one that wrote the gossips between him and Lin Ze before that the Huichen spread.

Well, although it was not really a ghost who stayed in the Yang family's inn, but now it might have also turned into a ghost.

"Hm?" Meng Xing muttered when he saw a carriage stopped from outside the Yang family's inn. "Isn't that…?" he spoke when he recognized the familiar figure of the person who came out of the carriage.

It was none other than the playboy Lin Yao. And Lin Yao was helping another figure off the carriage…

"Lin Ze?!" Meng Xing was surprised to see Lin Ze here. After all, the Yang family's inn case has already ended, so Lin Ze won't return here.

Yet here he is… Meng Xing's brows raised when he saw that there is something wrong with Lin Ze. He was expecting that Lin Ze would have returned home after he came to 'visit' the Meng family and apologized to Meng Ruyan. But, it seems like he drink? And with Lin Yao?

"Was he that shocked earlier when he saw 'Meng Ruyan'?" Meng Xing muttered.

"It is great that the problem of your inn how now been solved!" one of Mr. Yang's friends said.

"Yes, look at the guests!" They said and looked at the people who entered the inn.

"It was all thanks to Huichen!" Mr. Yang said.

"Huichen? No wonder the case was solved!" they said and sighed in admiration.

Meng Xing heard his agency's name and smiled. He saw that Lin Yao and the drunk Lin Ze have also entered the inn.

"Give us a room, please!" Lin Yao told the receptionist as he stabilized Lin Ze. He also fixed the mask on Lin Ze's face so that no one would know that he is drunk in the middle of the day. Or else, not only Lin Ze's reputation would suffer again, but Lin Yao will suffer, too, if his aunt and uncle would hear about this!

Fortunately, he was quick earlier to take Lin Ze away from the Lin residence before the servants could notice and inform Madam Lin.

"Yes, sir! There is one at the second floor, the fifth room on the left – " the receptionist said. But, before she could finish, Lin Yao cut him off.

"Bring us warm water and a towel." Lin Yao told her and hurried to the stairs before she could answer.

Lin Yao passed by Mr. Yang and the others as he pulled Lin Ze with him. Fortunately, they are engrossed in chatting so they didn't see him. He sighed in relief when they reached the second floor without a hitch.

Or so he thought when a door opened as he and Lin Ze stood in the hallway.