97th Break: Persuasion

"Who knows how they think?" Bai Jing shrugged his shoulders. 

Lin Ze didn't ask again while Meng Xing and Qiu Si remained silent as they wait on the line. 

"Ai..." Meng Xing saw Gu Xi sighed in front not far from them. "Lan Lan..." he muttered while worriedly looked at his wife on the other line. 

Meng Xing nudged Qiu Si by his elbow and Qiu Si understood. 

"Sir Gu." Qiu Si called as he approached Gu Xi and Qi Lan. "Can I talk to you for a bit?" he asked. "You and your wife." He added. 

Gu Xi and Qi Lan agreed since they are not that in a hurry to enter the Closed City while Lin Ze and Bai Jing curiously looked at Meng Xing, wondering what this 'young lord' and his 'guard' are up to. Since Lin Ze 'knows' that Meng Xing is the 'son' of the city lord, then he thinks that Meng Xing is going to tell something to the kind couple he shared a carriage with earlier with his guard. 

Well, there really is something.