177th Break: Unacceptable

"Why are there suddenly many people around?" Qiu Qi asked and frowned when they heard the rushing footsteps outside the hall.

The footsteps can be heard clearly because of the silence that has befallen not only the government building, but the entire Closed City itself after all the insiders have fallen unconscious due to being poisoned of the water from the oasis which was contaminated by corpses hidden at its bottom.

Not to mention, these footsteps are all heavy, and obviously owned by many people. Things aren't simple.

Qiu Ru listened and frowned. "This is not right." She muttered. All the insiders are obviously down right now, so who could these approaching people be?

Also, the way they walk or run… it was slow, as if they are taking their sweet time. The insiders have fallen like this, yet these people don't appear to be panicked. As if they don't care about the insiders lying around and are hanging onto their lives.