188th Break: Doubt

Lilu Town, one day later.

The people are bustling as they go on with their everyday lives. The surroundings are quite noisy as the vendors shout to the passersby to buy their crafts. This noise was mixed with the sound of the wheels hitting the road along with the sound of the horse's step. Meanwhile, the giggles of the young ladies can be heard with the chattering of the people in the background.

Suddenly, a carriage stopped in front of a teahouse. A man came down the carriage and entered it. After a while, he came out and then knocked on the wall outside of the carriage.

"Boss, we now have reached the province of Anhe." The man spoke through the window which the curtains block the sight of what's inside the carriage. "We are currently in Lilu Town." He said. He just inquired the teahouse that they passed by.

"I see." A voice which sounded weak and filled with fatigue spoke from inside the carriage.