246th Break: Indifferent

Hundred Treasure Caves, at the entrance of the forest.

As Qiu Shisan and Ding Ren conversed, both of them didn't know that Meng Xing and Lin Ze are also conversing right now. One of them (MX), who should have already left for Fenghui to do another business while the other (LZ) remained to do his initial objective here in Anhe, actually are together right now.

How did this happen and why? It is because Lin Ze and Meng Xing's paths actually crossed once again! But this time, it is for a reason. 

"It has been quite some time since I last saw you!" Lin Ze said as he looked at the young man in bitter black clothes with a white strip of cloth covering his eyes.

The last time that they saw each other was in another time and place - it was a night in the Closed City. Their paths which shouldn't seemingly cross actually crossed that time. And Lin Ze made another (unwilling) 'friend', which this time is actually from Huichen!