281st Break: Comfort

Night, dinnertime.

When Qiu Si came out of his room after resting and reached the dining room, he stiffly stood at the doorway and looked at the scene before him as Ji Lin served Meng Xing the rice and dishes while they are chatting with big smiles on their faces. It was as if Meng Xing is the master and Ji Lin is the servant. But, the scene looked so harmonious that Qiu Si doesn't want to break it.

Why do I feel like seeing the boss and this Ji Lin as an old married couple? He thought and rubbed his eyes to see if this 'illusion' before him will disappear. But, no matter how he rubbed his eyes and blinked many times, this picture is still there. Ji Lin is wholeheartedly serving Meng Xing. He is very attentive as he could be like refilling Meng Xing's cup when he saw that it is almost empty.

Suddenly, Qiu Si feels sad and heartbroken while looking at his boss's bright smile.

"Xiao Si?" it was Ji Lin who noticed that Qiu Si arrived.