360th Break: Riot

"You have great horses! Now, we finally reached Lijing!" Qiu Qi said when she, Qiu Ri, and Gao Su reach Lijing Town. "And from your palace master, our boss told your boss who told you to tell us that our boss wants for us to distract the person in charge of Lijing, correct?" she said as she looked at Gao Su, who nodded in affirmation.

Gao Su nodded in affirmation as his expression didn't change despite Qiu Qi's words which are like a tongue twister at the first half. "Yes. Our Palace master suspected that there is something wrong with the person in charge of Lijing." He answered.

Qiu Ru's brow raised. "He suspects that this person in charge is the one responsible for impeding the food rations, correct?" she said.

"That's right." Gao Su nodded.