484th Break: Trouble

It wasn't only Lin Ze, but also the others were stunned when they heard what Zi Se said. That the Blind Assassin… should actually be…? They thought as their mouths fell open in shock. And as if it wasn't enough shock, they heard Zi Se continued speaking.

"What made you still alive - ?" Zi Se muttered, as if speaking to himself. His voice is filled with bewilderment, as if he found a curious case. Then, he paused as if he thought of something. "… elixir?" his eyes narrowed as he stared at the Blind Assassin who stood motionless and no reaction was seen, or heard, from him.

"What - ?!" Bai Fengyu and the others finally reacted. They looked at Zi Se in shock, before the Blind Assassin who remained silent. They are shocked to hear that the Blind Assassin was supposed to die but then is still alive!