625th Break: Watch

Qiu Shiqi's expression instantly changed when he heard what He Wenzhe said. His brows knitted. "What do you mean?" he asked. Though, he has a vague guess. And it was as he guessed when he heard He Wenzhe spoke again.

He Wenzhe just shook his head. "I am really not sure, maybe it was just my imagination…" he muttered, looking confused. Even he himself is not certain, and he doesn't want to give Qiu Shiqi the wrong information. However " – I can feel a gaze on us, that was what I felt." He said as he clenched his fists. He knows that the situation is currently tense with lots of things that happened recently, and they are especially dangerous as many lives have been lost because of them. So, he felt anxious. So, he thinks that he must just be imagining some things.