628th Break: Perception

Qiu Ba knows that Qiu Shiqi has no reason to scare him like this. So, what Qiu Shiqi said is just a fact. It seems that it still hasn't totally sunk in Qiu Ba's mind of their arrival here in jianghu, including the dangers surrounding it. It was only now that Qiu Shiqi reminded him that Qiu Ba had finally gotten scared. He now realized that indeed, the people of jianghu are different, entirely different, from the people from the imperial capital.

The people of the imperial capital, including the other regions under the Jiang empire, were educated and they were filled with morality, unlike some people in jianghu. Naturally, it is not everyone in jianghu was devoid of morality, just some of them. Of course, being uneducated, which most of the people in jianghu are, does not necessarily mean that they don't have morality in their hearts. In fact, even the most educated person would be the one who was devoid of morality compared to an uneducated person.